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Fear versus Judgement


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Posted by Bronco:

Like anything else, I think you develop a tolerance for fear and learn to deal with it better as you gain more experience, wheather it's climbing, martial arts, starting your own business, getting married, whatever.....


I totally agree with you on this one Bronco. The more I step out of the comfort zone the easier it is. I got in a kayak this summer and tried to run a section of the sky. A little over a year ago I was so terrified of water I hyerventalated swimming in a lake when I couldn't see the bottom any more. Personally though I find it easier to confront fear when I have someone I trust to help me through it. In the mountains I need to know I'm with a competent partner if I'm pushing my limits.

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A comment about Alex Lowe's quote about having fun. For me having fun in the mountains has to do with getting the right about of challenge. A little bit of fear is stimulating. It can make one grow. Too much prevents learning. Not enough challenge is boring. That level which provides challenge is different for each climber depending on his skills and experiences. It points out the importance of partners who have reasonably matched skill and fitness levels. The exception is in the case of the mentor/ student relationship, where presumably the mentor gets his rewards from teaching.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fear is good. I have found that fear will do one of two things. It will paralyze you up in which case you will fall or it will give you the clarity of though and strength to get through the moves. The second is a learned ability which can only be learned by overcoming the first, by refusing to let fear paralyze you.

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