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WA (PDX) newest climbing area


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Went up Saturday and free soloed up then bolted the slab approach (pitch one) of Jimmies Favorite. Now instead of a tense X rated but easier climb, its a fun climb that just dances since you don't feel like if you make a mistake you die. Anyone wants to do it in the original style can not clip the bolts. There is a great deal of sweet looking routes off to the right of that which would be cleaned and done. Maybe 10 new routes. And that is just the easy slab at the start, there is some longer solid looking lines there which have not seen a climbing boot footprint yet.


Sunday Jim Opdycke and I went up again, here's a photo of Jim leading it, and as he came down he cleaned it off. Looks a lot better. Anyone interested in an update, talk to Jim. He went form being sour to being stoked about the potential.


Looks way different after this shot was taken.



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  • 1 month later...

On the money! Woot! Acme mapper for the win! Here is the trial and sweetwater spring location.



Geoff imbibing of same:




Spring runs year round. Look across the talus. Head for the 2nd set of Maple trees and listen when you get close for the running water. Runs year round.


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