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SS a Ponzi Scheme?


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BTW, the "payroll tax cut" should be allowed to expire.


Why? Do you want to pay more taxes?


We have to pay for all the shit we are spending money on above and beyond tax revenues, somehow, boner.


Agreed. But knowingly raising taxes is not generally a conservative view.

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BTW, the "payroll tax cut" should be allowed to expire.


Why? Do you want to pay more taxes?


We have to pay for all the shit we are spending money on above and beyond tax revenues, somehow, boner.



Agreed. But knowingly raising taxes is not generally a conservative view.



It's not a tax raise, it's the end of a tax cut that was intended to be temporary from the start, and was a dumb idea in the first place. Fiscal responsibility means paying your bills, not just lowering them.

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It's not a tax raise, it's the end of a tax cut that was intended to be temporary from the start, and was a dumb idea in the first place. Fiscal responsibility means paying your bills, not just lowering them.


Tax raise, tax cut....blah blah blah...at the end of the day it still means our taxes will go up (or back up). Still not a Republican/conservative view. One would think the Republicans are kind of shooting themselves in the foot on this one.

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It's not a tax raise, it's the end of a tax cut that was intended to be temporary from the start, and was a dumb idea in the first place. Fiscal responsibility means paying your bills, not just lowering them.


Tax raise, tax cut....blah blah blah...at the end of the day it still means our taxes will go up (or back up). Still not a Republican/conservative view. One would think the Republicans are kind of shooting themselves in the foot on this one.


The tax was lowered and in the interim we've spent more and have an unmaintanable deficit. Congress was unable to come up with even moderate spending cuts in the recent supercommittee debacle, so we're gonna have to raise taxes/return to higher taxes. Actually we need to be doing both. That's called living in the real world, where TANSTAAFL.



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The tax was lowered and in the interim we've spent more and have an unmaintanable deficit. Congress was unable to come up with even moderate spending cuts in the recent supercommittee debacle, so we're gonna have to raise taxes/return to higher taxes. Actually we need to be doing both. That's called living in the real world, where TANSTAAFL.



Agreed. My point is the left will paint a picture that the right raised our taxes. Bad for the right. In terms of perception.

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Not to be a freaking downer...

But I believe the question should always come back to 'Is this the moral thing to do?' For example, when it comes to any part of government, or government as a whole, the the trillion dollar question is simply: Is this [event] moral?


Think about the morality of this: If SS continues, there will be money still coming from lower income earners that will be appropriated to more wealthy retirees. When the time comes for these lower income earners to retire, their SS will not longer be there.


This is in essence a reverse Robin Hood scenario and is ludicrous at best; criminal at worst.

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Think about the morality of this: If SS continues, there will be money still coming from lower income earners that will be appropriated to more wealthy retirees. When the time comes for these lower income earners to retire, their SS will not longer be there.



"wealthy retirees".....that is hilarious. I know several retirees and they can barely get by. I make way more money than they do.....


Nut job as usual.

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Think about the morality of this: If SS continues, there will be money still coming from lower income earners that will be appropriated to more wealthy retirees. When the time comes for these lower income earners to retire, their SS will not longer be there.



"wealthy retirees".....that is hilarious. I know several retirees and they can barely get by. I make way more money than they do.....


Nut job as usual.


Hey Kev, what happens to the rich when they stop working? Do they just vanish in a ephemeral haze into the afterlife? Try thinking before you post kiddo. ;)

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