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Martha's New Recipes


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Not really climbing related, but some of these recipes might work for a Climber’s Shindig Get-together Keg Party Gig --




Chicken Al La Lesbo

Serves 69



leftover spaghetti

any sauce

chicken soup and any chicken scraps collected in the butcher shop

a lot of spoiled milk and puddings and any vegetables like peas which you can find


Cook it for a while until it's good and pasty. Serve in a well ventilated room


Cell Block Salad

Serves Cell Block 28



Hundred pounds of hacked, but unwashed cucumbers

hundred fifty pounds of sliced but unwashed onions and some tomato juice if available

Shovel in a lot of salt and potato peelings


Serve before the end of the month


Fur Burger

Serves 4



1 Puerto Rican cellmate's underwear

3/4 cup of prison issued toothpaste

1/2 cup spent cooking oil


Tip: Serve with orange zest instead of catsup for a fruity and refreshing tea Boiled Mop Broth

Serves Everyone


fill big cooking kettles with water

Toss in all the dirty mop heads

Boil them for a few minutes or until the mop heads don't stink so much


Garnish with parsley or chive


Bean Supreme

Serves Solitary Confinement


eighty of the big cans of kidney beans (Damaged cans are available cheap)

With a large spoon slop the beans onto the inmates' trays

Serve directly from the can

Cooking and warming are not necessary


Serve with a splash and a smile!


Ass Mousse

pound Crisco

200 sweet & low packs

crumbled coffee beans

1 can Eagle Brand milk

shit (no corn)


Chill on window ledge, serve to any prisoner who tries to make you their "bitch"


[ 08-20-2002, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: trask ]

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