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Nice tent


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With unusually ferocious mosquito season in my region, have put $24.86 where my mouth is & purchased a Sri Lanka-made Wenzel pup tent from Wal-Mart (free shipping).


It weighs 1 pound 6 ounces without poles or stakes. It's about the same space as my $145 Integral Designs Sil Shelter, but sewn-in floor, storm door, screen door and screen window may offer advantages under certain circumstances, for the six ounces of extra pack weight.


It offers about twice the space of my $185 (1991 dollars) Sierra Designs "Divine Light" tent, which was made of (supposedly) "breathable" fabric & weighs about 1.5 pounds.


Unlike my NF "Starfire," I can stretch out without need to lie diagonally across the floor plan. I expect my 5'2" lady friend can be tucked in also, when necessary/available.


The legions of boy scouts, etc., who typically acquire this tent mostly don't apply seam sealant, without which it would certainly leak like sieve. Coleman-brand sealant from Wal-Mart: $3.


Current season should find this equipmental gem in Pennsylvania, New York, New England and the Italian Alps. (sadly neither Washington nor BC!)


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you are such a troll with your walmart tent talk. I am flying to michigan tonight for my wedding this weekend and would like to give you a punch in the face.


just kidding, promise. your consistent walmart pup tent talk and arguing with people actually cracks me up. My only thought about gear comes from a thru-hike on the AT when twin brothers (Brian and Glynn) (we just thought it was Glenn with a drawl until we saw it spelled out) from west virginia or georgia were also thru hiking. 1 had an ospray pack, the other an army surplus ALICE pack or something. They carried lots of canned food, a can opener like you have at home, thick heavy rope for bear line, heavy sleep pads, and a heavy army surplus wool blanket they slept on together. They hiked in off brand athletic shoes. Basically their gear was dirt cheap since they couldn't afford jack. Their aunt had bought them the Osprey pack--they came from hard background parents ran out on them or died or something.


but those two guys had the best attitude and were very positive and made all the miles as everyone else and never complained one iota about their gear. Just thinking of them put me in my place if a bunch of us were at a shelter talking about how we didn't like the cut of our neodynium uber bla bla fabric uberlightweight.

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A 22-ounce tent is probably much lighter than average for the mass of trail hikers, regardless of socio-economic background.


When I last bought something similar, in 1979, it cost $19.99 at regional version of "K-Mart." So in current dollars, it was MUCH more expensive back then. But not nearly as well designed and somewhat heavier.


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shopping at wal-mart is supporting satan's effort to screw us all out of a job. to shop at wallyworld is to wave good bye to the friendly, knowledgeable, ma and pa biz that built our competition/quality based economy and on a greater scale the american dream itself. the dream's already fading a bit along with the consciousness of many cheapskates with houses chock full of crappola.


your tent sucks. may as well of bought tarp or bug netting for 2-5 bones if you weren't going to use the poles.


have a nice summer.



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