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Garmont Towers or plastics?


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My Garmont Towers haved served me well over the last several years though a few winter ascends left my toes somewhat cold whenever I'd stop for too long. I figured they'd be plenty good enough for a run up Rainier in June but mt partner, who's been up it several times insists I'd be better served with plastics. I can't afford to pay for plastics for a single trip so I'd be stuck with whatever REI rents, which are the Asolo AFS Evoluzione. These things look like they'd make for a miserable approach. Anyone here used theses? How about the Garmonts - good enough for June up Rainier (wheather dependent of course)?

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if your forcast is fine, then your garmonts are probably fine too. (especially if you have been using them in the winter) If the weather is not fine, stay at home. If you are concerned about the temps, look into getting supergators glued onto the garmonts.


I don't know about the asolo boots, but koflach boots are not too bad for hiking in. If you decide you need to rent, I would look around for them. That may be difficult as they no longer distribute them in the states.

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Gene is right, you will likely be fine on Rainier in June with uninsulated boots if you have good weather, but an insulated boot would probably be a better choice.


If you do decide to go with your Towers, waterproof them up well before the trip. A gaiter or inulated supergaiter (like Gene suggested) would be a great idea to keep the boots drier and maybe even add a little insulation.


You can probably get a good pair of insulated leather boots at second ascent for ~ $100. I don't know if Spokane area has an equivalent.


I have limited experience with plastic boots, but that's all it took to let me know I don't like them. Heavy, uncomfortable, clumsy, and would probably require different crampons than whatever you are currently using on your Towers.





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I used the Garmont Epic Karbo on Rainier in June 06 and July 08. I've been as far as the Ingrahm Flats for a couple of days and had no problems at all. I used no gaiters either, but had them as an option. Next time I will pack no gaiters and just loop a cord around my heel.

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