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Liberty Bell


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Are there really any "don't fall" parts on the Becky route on the descent or slab scramble. My parents have been seeing all of the unroped scrambling deaths lately and are very concerned. Now that I'm with my not so experienced brother I'm trying to avoid it as even more. If you fall on the unroped 5.7 slab part at the top will it be too serious?

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hmm, first of all, I think I remember a lot of ledges and blocky terrain on route. I don't think there are many places I'd want to take a leader fall, unless it was very short.


I can't remember, but I think that slab at the top has a fairly safe landing -- meaning, I don't think it would kill you. But don't fall.


If your bro isn't up to it, you can always climb up and lower him a top-rope.

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the first 2 pitches are exposed and probably death fall if unroped


The final uppper slab scramble is not exposed and it's only about 10' tall, it has a big flat ledge below it, the worst that could happen would be a twisted ankle. The approach/descent gully has a lot of loose rock but it's not that steep.


the most dangerous part of the trip is the 2 lane road all the way from the interstate.




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The class 4 section is not long maybe 40 feet or so, however I just climbed the route and my partner is not comfortable on really any terrain not roped up so we just were roped up the whole time. The only downside is that it takes a bit longer and some people may look at you funny but who cares unless you are climbing to impress people.

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I can't see a route this incredibly poplar being that incredibly scary. I've been told by lots of beginner climbers that it was 'fun'.. no mentions of 'scary or dangerous' ... anyways, someone who climbs 13 pitch 5.10's can certainly do a 4 pitch 5.6 :) If you go send me some pics dude cuz I want to see them! Have fun!



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