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Some Simple Questions For Palin


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the liberal propaganda and misinformation machine is trucking along as usual


Let's try this again, SLOW: There. is. nothing. in. the. article. that. you. posted. that. suggests. that. the. reporter. in. question. didn't. know. the. picture. was. a. fake.


How do you keep falling for this trash?

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Oh yeah...I forgot Fox New is Fair and Balanced...not a tool of propaganda and misinformation at all...


I guess McCain didn't give Bush a handjob during that hug he gave either...Has Fox discredited that bit of internet JPEG manipulation yet, or do they need to have a breaking story on that as well..





Only after mainstream media picks it up as verifiable truth. :rolleyes:

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the liberal propaganda and misinformation machine is trucking along as usual


Let's try this again, SLOW: There. is. nothing. in. the. article. that. you. posted. that. suggests. that. the. reporter. in. question. didn't. know. the. picture. was. a. fake.


How do you keep falling for this trash?


Research. Snopes.com. :rolleyes:

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