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Hot damn thats awesome. I read the Obama one and it cracked me up. Well done. However, where's the biggest asshole media jackass Michael Savage? This thing has some glaring holes (not talkin about Hillary either)


This is funny.


But in February of 2007, even though he had become the presumptive GOP nominee for president, McCain had still not secured the enthusiastic support of right-wing goons and thugs whose sexual inadequacy has manifested in an extreme love of torture. This group is also sometimes referred to as "The Republican Party."


Therefore, when an Intelligence Authorization Bill came to the Senate floor that would require the intelligence community to abide by the same standards contained in the Army Field Manual, which bans waterboarding, McCain was faced with a choice: make a principled stand consistent with his avowed opposition to torture, or cowardly choose to abandon his principles and suck-up to the right-wing goons and thugs who sexual inadequacy has manifested in an extreme love of torture. McCain chose the latter.


As many whose views of foreign policy are not influenced by sexual inadequacy have noted, aside from the moral reason to not engage in torture, another is the reasonable conclusion that making practices like waterboarding legal also makes it much more likely that other countries will engage in the same practices on American prisoners of war. McCain's son Jimmy is, in fact, in the Marine Corps. On February 14th, 2007, Jimmy returned from Iraq, meaning that McCain's son is now safe from the increased danger of being tortured that McCain's cowardice has placed other U.S. troops under.


Your mom (various birth dates) is the woman who gave birth to you; the person who nurtured you, changed your diapers, raised you, supported you, instilled in you a moral and ethical center; is the proud, beaming parent who loves you more than life itself; and a dick.


She would be very disappointed if she knew you were reading this.




* 1 Early life

* 2 Career

* 3 Historical Context

* 4 Yo Momma

* 5 Mother's Day

* 6 Motherhood: it's long, it's hard and it's extremely satisfying (what she said last night).


Yeah, I got a laugh out of the whole article.


Bill, of course, there are big holes in the list: over half the world's population would need to be included otherwise.


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