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dude, you are looking at it now. check the exchange rates! down 50% in two years.


That's just the currency that's gone down, not the whole country. Americans generally haven't paid much attention to exchange rates and such until recently because you didn't really have to. But you're now learning something that the rest of the world has known about for a long time - currencies fluctuate in value relative to one another. They do it a lot, all the time. Sometimes they go up; sometimes they go down. Sometimes they're going up against some currencies and down against other currencies at the same time. It's what all currencies do, and your currency has, in fact, been doing it all along - you just never noticed before because there was no reason to notice.


So I wouldn't worry too much about it. The US dollar will eventually recover, as will the US economy. All you're experiencing right now is a normal economic fluctuation. The economy isn't collapsing, and your country isn't "going down." Things may still get worse before they get better, but they will get better. So cheer up now, and avoid the rush. :)

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