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This is such bullshit. Why does this congress bend over for the Bush's at every turn? WTF


The Senate yesterday approved a sweeping measure that would expand the government's clandestine surveillance powers, delivering a key victory to the White House by approving immunity from lawsuits for telecommunications companies that cooperated with intelligence agencies in domestic spying after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks

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Yeah, what SC said. If you aren't talking to terrorists then you have nothing to worry about! :rolleyes:


Nice troll. You have to be kidding. IMO the gov cannot do something illegal then turn around and wave there magic wand and proclaim amnesty.


can a street cop drive 100 mph on i-5 to chase down a bank robber?

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Yeah, what SC said. If you aren't talking to terrorists then you have nothing to worry about! :rolleyes:


Nice troll. You have to be kidding. IMO the gov cannot do something illegal then turn around and wave there magic wand and proclaim amnesty.


can a street cop drive 100 mph on i-5 to chase down a bank robber?


Yeah. Look what I did last week. I didn't even get reprimanded:



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If you aren't talking to terrorists then you have nothing to worry about!



So if they come into your house and take your wife and put you in jail.....it would be cool because you have nothing to hide. Where does it end?


Do you have a cell phone? You most likely have an agreement with them. You should try looking it over......see what you can see.

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If you aren't talking to terrorists then you have nothing to worry about!



So if they come into your house and take your wife and put you in jail.....it would be cool because you have nothing to hide. Where does it end?


Do you have a cell phone? You most likely have an agreement with them. You should try looking it over......see what you can see.


I'm confused....they put you in jail and they take your wife where?....or do you mean "take" as in the Biblical sense. If that's what you are talking about, then this is bullshit. For the rest of us, other than not talking to our Syrian relatives in pig latin, I guess life goes on.

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For the rest of us, other than not talking to our Syrian relatives in pig latin, I guess life goes on.



Mind boggling one would not think this telecom imunity is about principle. The government askes a company to do something illegal then asks congress to give them imunity for doing something illegal and you dont care? Interesting. The bullshit part of this is congress. IMO.

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