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I don't think that you can "just add nine months" to everyone's delivery date. Each gestation period is different.


So I think it might have more to do with actual birthdays. Sprouting out from between Mommy's legs is a pretty good indication that you've been born (or hatched, or spawned, or whatever) and therefore a pretty good way to fix a date for your entry into this world.


Guessing at the date of conception may be a might trickier. Although in my case, I know exactly when my dad hit that. My birthday is November 15. Now you do the math... :grin:

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I don't think that you can "just add nine months" to everyone's delivery date. Each gestation period is different.




I was not asking people to add nine months…..but for the conservative pro lifers out there who argue “it’s alive”, it’s just a thought.

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but for the conservative pro lifers out there who argue “it’s alive”, it’s just a thought.


Hmm, are you implicitly arguing that a child is not alive until it is born?


Or, do you agree that a child is alive at least some moments before the actual process of birth?


Your sarcasm indicates that you do not.

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i am pro choice for many reasons. i think it's a living thing that hasn't seen the world as we know it. kevin would you ever have an abortion and why or why not? do you think that there aren't any liberals out there that don't support abortion. why is it that liberals support big government but don't think the government should have any say on their issues?

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but for the conservative pro lifers out there who argue “it’s alive”, it’s just a thought.


Hmm, are you implicitly arguing that a child is not alive until it is born?


Actually, quite the opposite. I believe the child is alive at conception. Yet I am for a person’s right to choose.

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but for the conservative pro lifers out there who argue “it’s alive”, it’s just a thought.


Hmm, are you implicitly arguing that a child is not alive until it is born?


Actually, quite the opposite. I believe the child is alive at conception. Yet I am for a person’s right to choose.




Personally, I'm not sure that life begins at conception. I tend to think that a functioning nervous system and brain are requirements. But there are so many different opinions that I am definitely pro-choice. These questions verge on religion so closely that I'd hate for the government to become involved.

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but for the conservative pro lifers out there who argue “it’s alive”, it’s just a thought.


Hmm, are you implicitly arguing that a child is not alive until it is born?


Actually, quite the opposite. I believe the child is alive at conception. Yet I am for a person’s right to choose.




Personally, I'm not sure that life begins at conception. I tend to think that a functioning nervous system and brain are requirements. But there are so many different opinions that I am definitely pro-choice. These questions verge on religion so closely that I'd hate for the government to become involved.


Why do you think they verge on religion? Abortion is not a religious topic IMO. Of course the pope might have a different view about that. He is entitled to his opinion.


I think life starts with one cell.


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i am pro choice for many reasons. i think it's a living thing that hasn't seen the world as we know it. kevin would you ever have an abortion and why or why not? do you think that there aren't any liberals out there that don't support abortion. why is it that liberals support big government but don't think the government should have any say on their issues?


at what point is it a living thing? conception?


realisticly, i don't think you can be pro-choice past the point when you feel that there is a living being. at that point it's murder. you would be taking a life.


now defining what constitutes a living human is difficult now isn't it? does it have to conscience awareness of its environment? be able to breathe on its own? have a functioning nervous system? a heartbeat? where is that line?


i am pro-choice.


i'm always interested to meet anti-choice folks who are for the death penalty.

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What I mean is, the answer to the question "when does life begin" seems to depend somewhat on your own religious/spiritual views (or lack, thereof).


It seems fairer to let everyone have their own opinions (pro-choice) rather than trying to enforce any single opinion through legislation.

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i'm always interested to meet anti-choice folks who are for the death penalty.


I love that you call them anti-choice instead of pro-life. I have a crush on you now.




well i'm pro-life but i'm also pro-choice.


as far as i'm concerned, they're interfering w/my ability to make a choice. :anger:

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i'm always interested to meet anti-choice folks who are for the death penalty.


I love that you call them anti-choice instead of pro-life. I have a crush on you now.


I've had a crush on minxie for a while now. Now I'm full-on, head-over-heels in wuv wif her. :kisss:


FWIW: Pro-choice, pro death penalty. And I don't even need them to have 3 strikes, neither. :provoke:

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at what point is it a living thing? conception?


realisticly, i don't think you can be pro-choice past the point when you feel that there is a living being. at that point it's murder. you would be taking a life.




That is correct……but I guess it comes down to mmmm……maybe a “choice”.

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well i'm pro-life but i'm also pro-choice.



So am I.....


no kevin, you're a hypocrite.


if you believe life begins with 1 cell and you believe that killing a person is wrong, then logically you can not be pro-choice. however since you seem to lack the ability for logic and reason, i am not surprised that you think you are pro-choice or maybe you're just pro-murder?


i do not believe that abortion is an acceptable option at the point when we're dealing with a living being. i don't think that point is a single fertilized cell, therefore, i am also pro-choice.

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well i'm pro-life but i'm also pro-choice.



So am I.....


no kevin, you're a hypocrite.


if you believe life begins with 1 cell and you believe that killing a person is wrong, then logically you can not be pro-choice. however since you seem to lack the ability for logic and reason, i am not surprised that you think you are pro-choice or maybe you're just pro-murder?


i do not believe that abortion is an acceptable option at the point when we're dealing with a living being. i don't think that point is a single fertilized cell, therefore, i am also pro-choice.



Are you putting words in my mouth? I don’t remember stating I think killing a human is wrong. That being said I do think it is wrong.


So you can be pro choice and pro life but I can’t. Sounds like you are the hypocrite.


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