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Bicyclists without lights

Hugh Conway

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I ride a bike and I drive a car.


I try and consider the other user (car whenI'm biking, bike rider when I'm driving).


I follow the fed/state/municiple rules outlined for my appropriate mode and expect other users to do so. If your not following the rules, you're on you own.


I ride/drive defensively for those incapable/unwilling to follow the rules.


I try to not road rage (on my bike or in the car). It doesn't really do any good.


It's really not that hard if you let go of your preconceptions and ego.

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:pagetop: on a single speed with




NO REAL BRAKES!!!!!]]]]]]]]]


You are a menace to a society -- the society of noodle-legged ooze that drips through the threads here like blood and guts squished 'neath a dump truck taking that right turn over the left flank of a rider gone out like a new recruit with head up against the fire. Ride on, ride safe, ride like a wild cog gone rogue in the machine, like a human who knows his place is never the place he was a moment ago. Lightening strikes those who wait, chases the rest, gives no reprieve. The path is yours: Own it like your life depends on it.

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By far the most visible (forward) lights I've seen have been two synchronized flashers on either end of the handlebars.


Exactly. I use 2 separate super bright LEDs that flash so it appears like the oscillating headlights on police cars. They stand out. On the back an equally annoying bright, flashing light. I might even don a fluorescent construction vest if it's really bad. sickie


We've had a couple of well publicised cycling deaths lately and day or night, I'm pretty certain I can be seen.


What I really want to get for riding on trails in the dark is this light: Niterider These things leave sear marks wherever it shines. :tup:


That one is bright but not long enough burn time for me. I do about 1-2 night rides a week, since it turns dark here at 6pm year round and I got a kid that I have to spend time with. My buddy and I usually head out for our rides around 8pm and get back as late as 11pm, good times for sure. Also I would reccomend multipule lights for night mountain biking, bar mounts and helmet mount, especially for the type of riding we like to do, more sort FR than XC.


It was funny the other night we scared the beejezus out several people. It was a full moon and all saints day or near or something like. The first guy, dropped all of his stuff on the trail and ran off screaming "Jesus, jesus, jesus....." all the way back to his house when we rode by his house all of his family was laughing at him. The next terrorized people were a group of women making there way up one my favorite moderate technical descents. When they saw us coming they started screaming bloody murder, all of them dropped all their produce they were carrying (I felt bad about that). I tried to explain that we were musazi muzungus, but their screaming was so loud they could not hear us.

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