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Hey - just moved to OR and am curious about the Steens Mountain. Anyone know anything about ice climbing or other possible winter activities in the range? Mucho gracias! :)

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Photos from the east side show couloirs that are probably over 4000' long. I have always dreamed of sking them. A map I have shows two different "Falls" near the head of Big Indian Gorge. There are also "falls" shown in Little Alvord Cr on the east side. It's gotta be cold there. I would be interested in learning more about an east side approach too. Looks like some dirt roads approach in a short distance, but there is allot of private land in that area, so who knows.

Wish it weren't so far away.....Of corse, you're in Bend. Be sure and take pics.


So do you know how he/she accessed them? The E. facing stuff off of Steens Mt. is what i have my eye on. I've been around there in early spring on good snow years and it's by far the best looking chute skiing in Oregon. Lots of vert with good continuous lines. I've thought about approaching some of the land owners around there for permission to access, but although friendly folk it's a bit intimidating. The other option would be to go up the West side via snomo shuttle and then drop in, better pick the right slot or your fucked with noyone around for miles.


You can access the stuff farther towards Fields via BLM roads, Pike Creek Canyon and a few others. But it isn't as good, and hold less snow. And regardless your looking at a pretty long steep approach.


I'm planning on getting back there in March if anyone is interested. I've got a line on private land access around Mann Lake.



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