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Your busts: has statute expired?


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Only time I ever got busted: 17 years old at a "gravel-pit" party in Anacortes, WA. Buddy sells me a thai stick, I put it in my jacket, leave it in his car. Later, I am elsewhere, and I get pulled aside by a cop holding my jacket. He smelled pot by my "friends" car, enough to search. They find my jacket, and I get ratted out. Me: busted. My "friend (even though it was in HIS Car, not to mention...) gets off scotch-free.


He had sold everything by that point fortunately.


So much for the Green Code in my world




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had a similar thing happen to me in caldwell, idaho. i got my van searched after i told them no. a gram of marijuana was found that i didn't realize i had. i was arrested and taken to jail. when i got back to my van at impoundthe next morning i noticed my gas tank was empty, it was full when i got pulled over. i went back into the tow office and asked them if they went for a joy ride. the tow truck driver told me that it was running when they picked it up at 3am, i got pulled over at 8pm. the fuckers left my van running on the side of an interstate highway with the sliding door open. i got physically harassed, lied to and illegally searched. a bottle full of vicodin was missing that i had a prescription for. everything in my van was bent, broken and turned over. i got a lawyer and the charge was dropped. it will always be on my record that i got charged with marijuana, which is the same as being convicted in my book. i got pulled over because i had long hair, i cut it all off the next day but i can't say that it has done any good. i live in cop central and if i ever have children i will teach them not to trust johnny law just like i would teach them not to trust strangers.




Edited by pink (11/27/07 11:35 PM)

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My life of crime consists of getting busted dropping "snappers" down the stairwell on the last day of junior high school. Teacher gave me detention ON THE LAST DAY of school.

That was some hard time.


It was the wake-up call I needed to steer me out of the vandalous crime rut toward which I was obviously careening.



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one bust;


i drove from way north to galveston with my buddy to pick up some dope. we were gonna bring back 40-50 lbs of weed. we were waiting for it ,so we decided to go to mexico for a day. we drove to laredo. we have a pound with us for personal use. i mentionned to my bud that maybe we could just bring an once or 2 for the DAY in laredo and stash the rest and not come back across the us border with a pound.!'it'll be awright'' ya,,,,,so we spend the day and on the way back we get to the border and realise they are searching every car with mf'n dogs. .. i recommended trowing it over the bridge we were stopped on...noooooo. at one point we stopped the car and took the dope which was double wrapped from the trunk and my friend coated it with noxema and stashed it in the door panel. at our turn they ask to see the trunk. the dog is at attention.. we opened it and that mf'r DIVES to where the weed was.!!cop knows he's on a trail.finds nothing there. pauses the dog , opens the driver side door and releases him. mf'r dives ,in one move, over the console and directly to the door panel on the other side!!! fooled his ass...riiiiiiiight.

i had 5g's on me and figured i'd lose that in booking but no,got a lawyer ,paid,125. fine and were out next morning...

later that week ,we got jacked by some homies with a gun for 10 lbs....but what can you do... aaah the good life....

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That's a shame. Maybe you should consider Oregon where that stuff is not a crime. Just remember, Beacon Rock ain't in Oregon.


As for the Idahoe mishap, you may be eligible for expungement. It's pretty serious business and very few folks would ever be able to access the information in the future. This includes the po po, employers and landlords. Again, it is available in Oregon. I'm not sure about parts further east.

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I need new gear. :/


maybe you can get a pro-deal.


Spring Loaded Camming Busts



i want a sport bra or prana top made with 5.10 rubber. steep slab? no problem. funky o/w...easy as pie.




That would introduce a new dynamic in the age-old default differences between men and women with this new gender-specific upper body "strength" asset.




you'll get busted for it

Edited by Dechristo
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In Washington, the State Patrol maintains arrest and conviction records. Any background check goes through the State Patrol; they are this state’s “clearing house” that in turn reports to the National Crime Information Computer check system (NCIC).


The records remain there forever. A “statute of limitations” refers to how long after a crime occurred that *prosecution* can occur. Arrest and convictions stay on your Permanent Record.


But a court can order the State Patrol to drop a record after a certain time, like when probation is done. However, your lawyer has to include language that the record be deleted in any sentencing order it prepares on the court’s behalf (after negotiations with the prosecutor). So long story short, even if convicted you can have a conviction removed from your record, but it doesn’t happen automatically. Also I hear that even if a court orders it, the State Patrol may need to be watched and reminded to take care of the order to remove the record.


I have no firsthand knowledge of any of this. This is just stuff I’ve picked up from my peer group. Just remember, it helps a lot to keep a lawyer on retainer or, failing that, get lawyered up right away. Money well spent (so I’m told).

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Just to add to the above:

Yes, there has to be wording around dropping (or deferring as it is called) the record after probation. However, you generally have to follow up with this after your probation and request that it be done after proving you sucessfully carried out all terms of your probation.


Unfortunately, I have a lot of firsthand experience with the criminal legal system. I'm a good girl now though. Our "reform system" works great.

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