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Who will be the next president?


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Democrats are more likely to go with Hilary in the hopes that it will attract disenchanted republicans and swing states. The problem is that the republicans who disagree with Bush's policies will probably support their parties canidate, provided it's not McCain. Rudy is the republican's safest bet.

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Why would disenchanted repubs vote Hillary?


That's just it, I don't think they will get Hilary's vote but the democrats will lean towards a canidate that could appeal towards both parties.


Obama is critical of the war, which is good because it gives voters an option to express thier disatisfaction with the war. Even if Obama wins, he will find it incredibly difficult to withdraw from Iraq, that is if he actually attempts to. Hilary can SAY she is against the war, but hasn't make promises to begin troop withdrawal.


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Why would disenchanted repubs vote Hillary?


That's just it, I don't think they will get Hilary's vote but the democrats will lean towards a canidate that could appeal towards both parties.


Obama is critical of the war, which is good because it gives voters an option to express thier disatisfaction with the war. Even if Obama wins, he will find it incredibly difficult to withdraw from Iraq, that is if he actually attempts to. Hilary can SAY she is against the war, but hasn't make promises to begin troop withdrawal.


politicians don't do what they say anyways. people might bank on Hillary to get us out of Iraq whether she says she will or not.


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Kucinich is the only true candidate. He is the only one who speaks what he is thinking instead of what the corporations what him to say. Too bad he will not win.


that's a huge generalization. there are several democratic candidates who fall into that category. unfortunately i don't think the big qualify

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Kucinich is the only true candidate. He is the only one who speaks what he is thinking instead of what the corporations what him to say. Too bad he will not win.


that's a huge generalization. there are several democratic candidates who fall into that category. unfortunately i don't think the big qualify


yes, but if they got big, they'd start to toe the party line


we need a viable independent candidate.


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We live in a Republic…..not a democracy.


Do you know how many people officially ran for president in 2004? Over 200 people…..yet I only saw two people on TV….that is a republic, not a democracy. And do you know why they would never put Ralph Nader on an unscripted stage with anyone else? Because he would tear the others apart. He does not need to be scripted nor do the questions need to be scripted for him. I see Kucinich as the same.


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i like many things kucinich has to say. however there are other candidates that don't need to be scripted. i'm not confident in Kunicich's experience with foreign policy and international relations. I’m also slightly disturbed by his purported friendship with Shirley McClain

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