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"Wildwood Weed"


(As recorded by Jim Stafford)




Wildwood flower grew wild on the farm

And we never knowed what it was called

Some said it was a flower and some said it was a weed

I didn't give it much thought

One day I was out there talkin' to my brother

And I reached down for a weed to chew on

Things got fuzzy and things got blurry

And then ev'rything was gone

Didn't know what happened but I knew it beat the hell

Out of sniffing burlap


I come to and my brother was there and he said,

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

I said "I don't know, I was chewin' on the weed"

He said, "Let me give it a try"

We spent the rest of that day and most of that night tryin'

To find my brother Bill

Caught up with him about six o'clock the next mornin'

Naked, singing on the windmill

He said he flew up there

I had to fly up and get him down

He was about half crazy


The very next day we picked a bunch of them weeds

And put 'em in the sun to dry

Then we mashed 'em up and we cleaned 'em off

Put 'em in the corn cob pot

Smokin' them wildwood flowers got to be a habit

We never seen no harm

We thought it was kind-a handy

Take a trip and never leave the farm

Big 'ole puff of that wildwood weed next thing you know

You're just wand'ring 'round behind the little animals


All good things got to come to an end

It's the same with the wildwood weeds

One day this feller from Washington come by

And spied one and turned white as a sheet

And they dug and they burned

And they burned and they dug and they killed

All our cute little weeds and then they drove away

We just smiled and waved sittin' ther on that sack o' seeds


"Y'all come back now, y'hear!"



Last summer I was scrambling with some Canadians, and they said "Every time we go out with Americans, the topic always eventually gets around to bestiality."


That sounds like bullshit from dudes trying to protect the home herd.


Were they specifically talkin' sheep, goats, horses, cows or house pets like pit bulls BTW :lmao: ?

Last summer I was scrambling with some Canadians, and they said "Every time we go out with Americans, the topic always eventually gets around to bestiality."


That's because when I go climbing with a canadian they're usually screwing the pooch, so it's kind of a natural conversational turn.

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