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GU vs the competition.


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i think since alpine and dru are absent from this forum, one must asum, that dru is trying some of the salty "flavor injectable goo" from alpine watch out rei or meck. here goes the big one!!!! [Eek!][Eek!][laf][laf]

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I use brown rice sryup, the lighter kind. I add delicious hershey chocolate sryup. Haven't added any salt or crushed vitatmins. Work fine, taste better when it is cold out.


I tried making it with maltodextrin powder and fructose powder. Worst thing I've ever had! Couldn't afford to make it perfect. The fist time I tried making it, I added all these vitamins and shit. Nothing dissovled and it was so fucking awful I puked the second it went in my mouth! The worst was GNC's liquid Amino Acids. Anyone tried that? Goddamn it's like magma from hell! Maybe Bragg's sauce would be better, but it's probably not concentrated enought to make a difference. The pills are useless since they'll just pass through you like canned corn (along with most vitamins you take). Make sure shit dissolves first! I say, load up on vitamins at home before and after the climb.

I've tried lots of different vitamins based off of research studies, and have had little positive results. Too many other variables (how much sleep you've been having, what else have you been eating, blah blah blah). Take a good multivitamin, and eat your vegies at home. Eat a shitload of sugar and crap you like on the climb (or you won't eat).

As for cytomax. Good stuff, I like apple the best. Peach is pretty good. I hear Gu makes something new, but I can't afford it. I get $40 cans of cytomax for $9.99 at a local ghetto-mart. Sometimes however, I wish I just had cool clear water and a snickers (3 muskateers are the best cal per weight though).


My favorite high energy pick me up is a loaf of Bree cheese. Stays soft in cold temps, easily eaten and digested. If your on foodstamps like me, Bree is a real treat. Swedish fish are pretty awesome too.


hungry, gotta run.

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Why not make your own GU? It takes a little time before the trip, but if done right, you can make tasty "packages" of GU for 10-15 cents. My favorite homemade flavor is "almond-GU". Worst flavor ever: scotch-GU. [big Grin]


Tutorial Here:



I think Cliff shot and all those that use brown rice syrup are pretty gross because all they do is add heavy flavors to cover up the nasty of the syrup.


I also think that adding your own vitamins and aminoacids is probably a little overkill. You can easily get those in natural food forms for a heck of a lot cheaper than you could trying to eat it synthetically.

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Originally posted by dbb:

I was able to buy a little bottle of it at the brew store. Guess it's used in brewing somewhere. I suppose if you couldn't find it you could just squeeze your bison ball over the pot.

climbing chalk is magnesium carbonate. I was thinking of blackboard chalk. [big Grin]

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