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Summer Job


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When I was in high school and college, I mowed lawns all summer. I charged $25 per lawn and paid no taxes. On average, it took me about 45 minutes to mow a lawn, so I was making about $30 an hour, getting exercise, no boss, out in the sun all day. My friends were making $4 an hour after taxes sitting in an ice cream shop in the mall. Suckers.

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I lived in Walla Walla during high school, and during one summer I worked nights driving pea combines. I worked 12-hour shifts, 6pm to 6am. Just drove back and forth 3-4 miles an hour all night. Sun went down, stars came out, sun came up. Brought a few joints and maps of the constellations to keep occupied.

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That sounds great!


Heres one:


Get paid a tax free $15 per hour restoring an antique craftsmen house while living in it for free. Also forgeting to mention that it is packed with food and has a giant organic vegetable garden in the front yard.


Yeah, life hurts........

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I lived in Walla Walla during high school, and during one summer I worked nights driving pea combines. I worked 12-hour shifts, 6pm to 6am. Just drove back and forth 3-4 miles an hour all night. Sun goes down, stars come out, sun comes up. Bring a few joints and maps of the constellations to keep occupied.


I had a similar job (12hr shifts) on a peppermint farm north of Eugene, except I harvested during the day shift. I'd get mesmerized watching the swallows in their aerial acrobatics swooping for moths flushed from their cover.

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