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He's got the best doctors money can buy.


He's got the best chemists money can buy.


he got the best dope money can buy.


hero he is not, neither is arny. they have tainted their own great talents to become farces. the laughing stock.......temptation ruins it all, everytime.







Thanks for that pointless and uneducated lordly wanking.

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You aren't actually advocating steroids use, are you? Being a heterosexual male, I find the look of these pumped up guys rather disgusting. What can they really do with all that muscle?? Isn't part of being 'in-shape' suppose to include flexibility? I doubt that many of these guys are as flexible as say a marathon runner. Now there's some buff dudes. That coming from a heterosexual male, of course ;)

I don't advocate steroid use, but I would be behind an open option for it. In other words, I think it would be more fair and safer if it were a legal option. Then, two circuits (of any sport)could be clear: the "natural" and the "augmented". I believe that what you chose to do with your body is up to you, and if you want to put steriods in it, at least do so with a doctor's close supervision. And don't compete against people who opt not to use this enhancement. That sounds simple, but folks don't seem to agree with it much.







I tend to agree with this idea. Athletes will always be deeply attracted to steroids, and I don't think there is much that can be done about it. I believe (as I think the weed laws should be) that more focus be put on education. Roids are dangerous, yes, but it would be far better that people get them from their physician in a safe and controlled environment, over some shady mexican pharmacy producing boving and horse chemicals!


completely missing the point.: roids are not the problem. man's incessant desire to dominate IS. the athletes who chose to cheat have that disease. it cannot be justified. it is self explanatory. they are losers masquerading as heroes.

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I'm not saying I agree with drug use.


I also never said that I admire Arnold because of his drug use (which in all honesty was 1) not that extensive, and 2) in the days before anyone knew about the endocrine side effects). I admire his attitude and drive.


Also, you still think Lance used drugs????? How many negitive ultra refined blood tests do you need to see? The dude is clean!

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He's got the best doctors money can buy.


He's got the best chemists money can buy.


he got the best dope money can buy.


hero he is not, neither is arny. they have tainted their own great talents to become farces. the laughing stock.......temptation ruins it all, everytime.







Thanks for that pointless and uneducated lordly wanking.


he knows when he is going to be tested. drug tests are nor really drug tests they are intellegence tests. you don't have to juice at the time of the race or performance to gain the bennifits. you juice when you are training. months and months before you will ever be tested. you quit in plenty of time ot pass the drug test. i don't body build or train hard or anythign and i know that.

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Sunshine stimulates the pituitary to produce Luteinizing Hormone (amonst a few other things), with elicits testosterone production.....


That with calories and crap tons of sleep are all the performance enhancing supplements I need!


true statement. and if other people were satisfied with what there bodies could produce naturally and not try and push so far past their natural ability for the soul purpose of being better than everyone else... no one would juice...


I have been on a synthetic testosterone before called Lupron. It was a medical choice at the time to stop menses. It caused me to go into menopauses. I had hot flashes and every thing. that is about as close to juicing as i want to be. I did that 2 times for six months each time. I was a guennie pig. interesting but i have had enough.

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Sunshine stimulates the pituitary to produce Luteinizing Hormone (amonst a few other things), with elicits testosterone production.....


That with calories and crap tons of sleep are all the performance enhancing supplements I need!


true statement. and if other people were satisfied with what there bodies could produce naturally and not try and push so far past their natural ability for the soul purpose of being better than everyone else... no one would juice...


I have been on a synthetic testosterone before called Lupron. It was a medical choice at the time to stop menses. It caused me to go into menopauses. I had hot flashes and every thing. that is about as close to juicing as i want to be. I did that 2 times for six months each time. I was a guennie pig. interesting but i have had enough.




I agree. Basically, I don't want to mess up my natural "god given" (I'm NOT religious) physique. Getting too big is not functional. Then I couldn't climb like I want!


So you experienced T therapy? Thats really interesting! Actually, several months ago, when I was sicker than a stray dog with aids [intense giggles], my doc. put me on Testosterone therapy for several weeks. Basically, because my system was sooo haggard, I wasn't producing nearly enough of my own testosterone to be able to heal properly. I found that it made MASSIVE differences. Its my theory that getting supplemented "jump started" my own negative feedback system to start producing its own juice again (actually I think there is a study that hypothesizes this...). For months and months and months, my body and health were not improving. However, once I had my T levels back into physiologic ranges my health improved dramatically. My appetite came back and I regained my lost body wieght, I was sleeping insanely well, and my mood turned 180 degrees (Testosterone acts on receptors in the brain - hense athlete addiction to steroids). Once I came off of the supplement my own Testosterone production rebounded with a furry within a week. Its actually higher now than it was when I was on T therapy.


All in all, I appreciate and understand the medical uses for hormone replacement. Because of my experience, I don't believe that anabolic steroids are as terrible and killer as our society thinks they are. Its a matter of not being an idiot, and being happy with your body and natural state of health. Its like almost anything in life, if you take things to the maximum you risk destroying health. Again, I'm NOT advocating steroid use, because screwing with the body's own systems is generally not a good idea! I am however saying that they DO have a place in medicine and science.

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The "bovine and horse chemicals" are the same that are used for humans. There are not seperate lines of hormones or simulated hormones for animals and people--they are the same.




I do know this. I was implying that it would be better that people get roids from their doc in controlled amounts. Rather than trial and error with dosages that WAY super-physiologic!

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The "bovine and horse chemicals" are the same that are used for humans. There are not seperate lines of hormones or simulated hormones for animals and people--they are the same.




I do know this. I was implying that it would be better that people get roids from their doc in controlled amounts. Rather than trial and error with dosages that WAY super-physiologic!

At the competitive level, most bodybuilders know far more about steriods and their application than most doc's do. However, doc's would "bone up" on their knowledge if there were a bigger market for it.

That said, there are actually a number of doc's who help competitors b/c they know the builder is going to do the steriods anyway so they figure helping to mitigate the long term damage is better than doing nothing at all.

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The "bovine and horse chemicals" are the same that are used for humans. There are not seperate lines of hormones or simulated hormones for animals and people--they are the same.




I do know this. I was implying that it would be better that people get roids from their doc in controlled amounts. Rather than trial and error with dosages that WAY super-physiologic!

At the competitive level, most bodybuilders know far more about steriods and their application than most doc's do. However, doc's would "bone up" on their knowledge if there were a bigger market for it.

That said, there are actually a number of doc's who help competitors b/c they know the builder is going to do the steriods anyway so they figure helping to mitigate the long term damage is better than doing nothing at all.





Actually, Archy, I know this too. Top end bodybuilders do know a shit ton more than most docs do. In fact, I had to do a ton of my own research on overtraining induced hypogonadism and treatment because NON of my docs at the time knew what fuck was going on. Even the endocrinologist said "people your age just don't ever have low testosterone". He said "just keep exercising". I did, and got sicker.


So yes, you are right on. I'm curious though, whats your background? You obviously know quite a bit about exercise endocrinology.

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The "bovine and horse chemicals" are the same that are used for humans. There are not seperate lines of hormones or simulated hormones for animals and people--they are the same.




I do know this. I was implying that it would be better that people get roids from their doc in controlled amounts. Rather than trial and error with dosages that WAY super-physiologic!

At the competitive level, most bodybuilders know far more about steriods and their application than most doc's do. However, doc's would "bone up" on their knowledge if there were a bigger market for it.

That said, there are actually a number of doc's who help competitors b/c they know the builder is going to do the steriods anyway so they figure helping to mitigate the long term damage is better than doing nothing at all.





Actually, Archy, I know this too. Top end bodybuilders do know a shit ton more than most docs do. In fact, I had to do a ton of my own research on overtraining induced hypogonadism and treatment because NON of my docs at the time knew what fuck was going on. Even the endocrinologist said "people your age just don't ever have low testosterone". He said "just keep exercising". I did, and got sicker.


So yes, you are right on. I'm curious though, whats your background? You obviously know quite a bit about exercise endocrinology.


Dude, please dont post pics of your tiny shrivelled balls.

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I'm not saying I agree with drug use.


I). I admire his attitude and drive.


The dude is clean!


hitler had drive.....w has drive...lance was as juiced as humanly possible.....


Ever watch him go up the mountain all alone?? The guy is the worlds best bike climber combined with one of the top time trailers, which having both skills is unheard of. Nobody could keep up. Hell even when the isolated him from his team he did it all on his own.

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Don't kid yourself. Lance is so fucking juiced one of his balls rotted off.


He had cancer dumb shit.


What do you think gave him cancer stupid?


Dumb shit alot people get cancer and they don't take roids. Testicular cancer is very high among people that bike competively. It bad for the nuts. That why they freeze sperm. Read little you might learn something.

Edited by Seahawks
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