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Honor in killing?


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You never know where a thread may go....to go from the topic of killing women to censorship is an interesting change in direction.


Thanks to you for posting your reactions, impressions, and convictions here.


And thanks to Off for posting a warning that I should have reiterated (in addition to the CNN warnings) in my original post.



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I heard some story about this honor killing in Iraq before the war, so it's not something that didn't exist under Saddam. Funny thing, I thought, maybe we should invade and depose that fucker Saddam so this kinda shit don't happen anymore.


Whoops. Now with Iraq to be surely under theocratic Muslim law things are going to be way worse for women now than they were under Saddam. Say goodbye to your personal freedoms, oh, but at least you'll still get to worry about being raped and then stoned to death because it happened to you. Sucks.

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I heard some story about this honor killing in Iraq before the war, so it's not something that didn't exist under Saddam. Funny thing, I thought, maybe we should invade and depose that fucker Saddam so this kinda shit don't happen anymore.


Whoops. Now with Iraq to be surely under theocratic Muslim law things are going to be way worse for women now than they were under Saddam. Say goodbye to your personal freedoms, oh, but at least you'll still get to worry about being raped and then stoned to death because it happened to you. Sucks.


Fine, let's find the guys that did this and execute them immediately. Do you support that?


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And don't forget those who stood by, filmed it on their cell phones, cheered on those who did the stoning, or helped to drag the girl out of her home. They certainly bear some responsibility, don't they?


depending on their level of participation, I'd be comfortable meting out appropriate punishments.


really folks, if what we are having a problem with is that this goes on under our noses, then that's damn easy to fix, considering we occupy the country and have huge sway over the government there.


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Funny thing, I thought, maybe we should invade and depose that fucker Saddam so this kinda shit don't happen anymore.


the nerve! selling oil in euros! making money from their natural resources.! who the hell to these beige folks think they are?


oh yeah women's rights! that's why we invaded! yup! you betcha! we're the good guys! defenders of chicks rights! our 800 army bases in 110 countries will help us in our quest.

can you say? SAVE THE BABES!!!!

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Funny thing, I thought, maybe we should invade and depose that fucker Saddam so this kinda shit don't happen anymore.


the nerve! selling oil in euros! making money from their natural resources.! who the hell to these beige folks think they are?


oh yeah women's rights! that's why we invaded! yup! you betcha! we're the good guys! defenders of chicks rights! our 800 army bases in 110 countries will help us in our quest.

can you say? SAVE THE BABES!!!!


Okay Micheal Moore.

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