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kinda funny coming from god fearing type. i think more people have been killed in the name of christianity. they are jokes so lighten up beyotch.


20 million from your communist friend Stalin. Shall I go on?


i'm a republican bitch. really i can't stand career politicians period. communism doesn't work. to many lazy fucs in the fish bowl.

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to love the clueless twit.


the gorgeous one comes to me

yet i walk away.

the rich naked love bird wants me

yet i leave in the morning.

the monk offers the teachings

yet i bow and disappear.

god begs for me to serve him,

yet i tell him i am busy;

i have to learn to love

the clueless twit.

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to love the clueless twit.


the gorgeous one comes to me

yet i walk away.

the rich naked love bird wants me

yet i leave in the morning.

the monk offers the teachings

yet i bow and disappear.

god begs for me to serve him,

yet i tell him i am busy;

i have to learn to love

the clueless twit.


Long ways to go, since I never respond to you till today and everytime I post you jump on me. Regardless your comments today show your color. Whether done in fun or not. A color was shown and you are a dark color.


A clueless twit would be one that would deny the Holocaust or joke about it.

Edited by Seahawks
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i love when non judging christians judge. i just love it.


Who said where not judging? come on are you that dumb? Is there a human that exist that doesn't judge. Boy if that all that holding you back we got room for one more.


it's not about judgement, but the application of judgement

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