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Murder in Shoreline


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At noon today I took the dog and went for my usual 3 mile run. I headed north on 10th Avenue NE and noticed news media vans when I approached 195th St. I had wanted to take the foot bridge over I-5 but couldn't get to it because the area had police tape across it.


I came up to some people milling about who looked like reporters (from the good hair) and asked what was going on. I was told that a neighbor had heard gun shots the night before, but didn't check on it because he figured it was from the freeway. When he walked out to the driveway to go to work, he found a dead body. They asked me if I'd heard the shots- I had not, as I live two blocks away.


This was the same area where about five years ago police arrested a young man who had gone berserck and attacked a woman with a hoe in her front yard.


So in the end my run ended up being longer, since I had to run down to 185th to get across the freeway.



Edited by catbirdseat
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...Davis' family had considered a lawsuit against police, but an attorney who at one time represented the family said last night he was never hired to pursue it...


Something tells me that suit might not have gone very far... :rolleyes:

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