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THE Challenge


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Are you up for the Challenge®? Do you know somebody who is?I am currently organizing two teams to simultaneously climb and traverse Mt. Challenger in the Picket range of the North Cascades!Two separate teams starting at both ends of the mt will hopefully climb and meet on the summit,after exchanging hi-fives and car keys the parties then follow the others route back to the other sides.This is a dream trip that could make a persons summer!The Challenge has been delivered ,Let me know if youre up to it!

I am seeking 4-8 people I need one other experienced leader to head the other party.I will lead the party known as the PP party {for perfect pass}. THe other party will be known as the bb or big beaver party.The pp will have a more strenuos approach with easier route finding up. I have experience with the bb so I figure it will come in handy on the way out.BB will aproach by boat,ross lake, and tell the driver to expect different faces on the return.we can wand ,flag and beta each others decsent. cell phones may come in handy ,anyone have good radios?

CALL ME! I cant wait to plan this trip!!!! The dates are from July4 to 9.Lets get this going,I AM GOING EVEN IF I ONLY HAVE A PARTNER!

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Were you the party of three that me and my climbing partner ran into on the Hannegan/Chillwack trail on wed. July 4th? We were on are way out from Challenger and you on the way in. If so, how did the approach/climb go? We are curious to hear from some other parties on which way they took to get across the "imperfect impasse" at the end of easy ridge. Summit day was the easiest day of the five we were in there, but it was definitely worth the effort! What a great climb!

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I was on the opposite team of the party of 3. Our party came in from Ross lake /big beaver . We met up with our perfect pass party as they where rapping off the summit. Perfect timing. It was a great climb. The snow bridges where stable and the weather was perfect!


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The glacier from perfect pass to the east ridge was in perfect shape, we had to walk around a couple of cracks, but other than that it was just about a straight shot. We went to the right of the 'schrund, but it was barely starting to show, then back to the ridge crest and climbed up a bit farther to the rock. It took a little over four hours for us to get to the summit from perfect pass. Good luck on the next try!

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Yes, we were that party, and it was a party as we all summited and did the traverse!Imperfect was handled right at the base of the buttress that comes down from Whatcom.It is a steep sided gully that is easily traversed into and out,starting from a ledge with a tree.If you have done it right you will pass an old bolt.Were you a father and son team?The internet has proven to be a powerful tool in this hectic message machine age.Thank You everyone who participated and I will await your ideas for the future!

[This message has been edited by wayne1112 (edited 07-09-2001).]

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Hey Wayne and Jennie,

I was one of the two guys you met who were hiking in the BB trail and camped at Wiley Lake. Nice meeting y'all up there on Challenger. Glad to hear that your trips out from the mountain went well. My buddy Norm wasn't feeling so hot Friday morning so I gave him a break and we took a rest day and waited for the weather to clear. Saturday was a great day to summit, no one else on the upper mountain and warm enough I didn't mind taking my gloves off to lead up the rock pitch to the top. Let me know if you guys are ever looking for another to join up for a key-exchange traverse of something else up in the North Cascades.



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Nice job Pete!

Glad to hear you guys made it , you were moving fast last I saw you.We have discussed doing Mt.Goode,But we dont know if thats a good candidate.We think it might be cool to park a car at rainy pass,summit,go to to stehekin ,and have a plane there that just dropped off 2 climbers that will then climb and retrieve the car,Not simultaneous, but the plane thing sounds cool.Let me know of your ideas,this thing grew from the idea of hateing back tracking. w

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