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Cheney Knew


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I think we should make anything with a higher risk of death the terrorism illegal. Then terrorism would definitely be my my highest safety priority....


Of course we'd have to get rid electricity. And boats would be right now. I'd say we could all ride horses to work, but those things are probably much more dangerous per/rider-hour than terrorism. Heck, we might even solve global warming that way!!!



No one has ever implied we should ignore terrorism completely. But there are 6 times as many deaths per year in the US alone, due to work related injuries, then there are in the entire world for a year due to terrorism. 3 times as many fire deaths, 42 times as many automobile deaths, 3 times as many drownings, and an equal number of deaths due to accidental firearm discharge.


I wonder what the amount of money spent per life saved is, for money spent on drunk driver education and treatment, or on worker safety improvements compared to terrorism?


It's not the bogeyman, it's not the end of the world or our civilization unless we take the actions they want us too. Which is repressing civil liberties, restricting speech, dissent, and other basic freedoms. The whole point of terrorism is to use the fear instilled in people to cause the government to take actions that will induce the people to revolt and/or turn to supporting the terrorist cause. Killing people is collateral damage, and nothing compared to what we do to ourselves in response.


Certainly it deserves attention, resources, and people combatting it, but it doesn't deserve the fear and panic we alot it. Or to have so many resources thrown at it that the rest of the country suffers.



oh and belated snaf.gifsmile.gif

Edited by selkirk
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The whole point of terrorism is to use the fear instilled in people to cause the government to take actions that will induce the people to revolt and/or turn to supporting the terrorist cause. Killing people is collateral damage, and nothing compared to what we do to ourselves in response.

Exactly. The best way to fight terrorism is to go about business as close to normal as possible! Banning iPods and water from airplanes - and mindless sheeple thinking anything is worthwhile to fight terrorism are letting the terrorfucksticks win.

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The whole point of terrorism is to use the fear instilled in people to cause the government to take actions that will induce the people to revolt and/or turn to supporting the terrorist cause. Killing people is collateral damage, and nothing compared to what we do to ourselves in response.

Exactly. The best way to fight terrorism is to go about business as close to normal as possible!


just like the Brits and French did as Hitler built up his armies and refined his invasion plans.

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and just like 3000+ New Yorkers did on 9/11/2001. Does that crack you up too, you cynical motherf***?


kk, driving home on 9/11 I got to see the burning pentagon. All government facilities were being guarded by APCs. I woke up to a jet flying by my window the next day. I knew people who died. It is real - much more real than the internet and political fucksticks who pontificate about it with totemic signifigance.


What isn't real is people in East Butt Fuck thinking they are the next terror target. What isn't real is grandstanding shitbag politicians and random terror alerts. People making retarded analogies to Hitler. That isn't real.


Banning liquids for good on airplanes? Al Qaeda blew someone up 12 years ago that way! Why wasn't it worthwhile banning them until now? It's just another cynical ploy.

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What isn't real is people in East Butt Fuck thinking they are the next terror target.


everyone is affected by these attacks, not just ground zero. i've never lived in New York City, or ever even been there, and that attack certainly affected me.


People making retarded analogies to Hitler. That isn't real.


there's nothing retarded about it. you let a sore fester and you'll be in trouble. history is replete with such examples. the barbarians are at the gate.


Banning liquids for good on airplanes?


for good - who said? for a short time, while they sort out all the details of this current plot - banning liquids is a wise move. and not a cynical ploy whatsoever. althought I'd argue taking water bottles from granny is not necessary - she doesn't fit the profile.

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for good - who said?

The TSA asshats:



keep fighting one stereotyped enemy KK, there are others out there, maybe if you grew a spine it wouldn't affect you so much


the DC airport was closed for quite some time after 9/11 before they reopened it. the liquid ban will not be permanent.


the random spine comment is hilarious coming from a jellyfish like you. hahaha.gif

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