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Alpine training will have to begin though once she walks, so that she can bring the old man up gnarly alpine routes in the future. That brings me to a question, you know where I can find info on being up high with infants? We are thinking about heading into the Rwenzoris at some point while we are here, maybe her second year. It is a 7 day trek to base camp which is at 14,500. Then we can take turns sitting while the other climbs the third highest on the continent.

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no info about that...sorry. but i bet it is common sense...children are more resiliant than we'll ever be. take her up, and if she doesn't seem to be doing well, then head down.


lets plan on at least on climbing trip while you're here birthing ken.

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Definitely! Seeing those picture of Index with Sir Fox has been making me jones for some crack climbing. I went out this weekend and found a vertical to fist crack that I struggled up realizing that my crack skills are sucking right now. It didn't help that the crack was full of dirt and razor sharp crystals. hellno3d.gif A far cry from being Index goodness.

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What is going on there Sir Fox some type of Index freak show.


Thanks chelle, I was thinking the same thing.


Ski's or snowboard, mountain biking, and alpine trad as soon I can I want to start teaching her all these things so she keep me going at late in my life.

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