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West Lion Attempt March 3, 2006


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Here's some pics of an attempt to tag the summit of the West Lion on March 3, 2006 (West Lion is one of the skyline bumps on the horizon when looking at North Vancouver from the South): http://www.flickr.com/photos/62906156@N00/sets/72057594080374339/


Started climb at ~ 7:30 am from end of Sunset Dr. in Lions Bay - elev. 787 ft. Got to the base of the West Lion at ~ 12:30 pm after a long slog through fresh snow - elev 5 083 ft. With a turnaround time of 2:00 pm and a ferry to catch back to the Island we waved goodbye to the summit but vowed to come back in a few weeks for an attempt via the gully from the North West. Back to car at ~ 3:30 pm.


Gear notes: crampons, snowshoes, 8 mm rope, walking pole, tech ice tools, harnesses and very small rack, and big bag of gummy bears. Used it all although we went looking for the little ice climb and could have easily avoided it. Also, should have brought a shovel/avi probe and beacon as we wasted much time avoiding high risk/avi prone areas.


I'll try and attach the gps track/waypoint info in txt format to this post. PM me if it doesn't work and I'll e-mail it to you separately.

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should have brought a shovel/avi probe and beacon as we wasted much time avoiding high risk/avi prone areas.

sounds best that you didn't have that stuff - the idea is never to have to use them - strange to call time spent avoiding getting chopped "wasted"

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A gps is definitely not required although I hadn't been on the trail for > 15 years so it was helpful, particularly in the snow.


Note that I added a topo map and gps track to my photo-set for you (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigtree/sets/72057594080374339/). Much of the route is a fairly skookum old logging road.


Directions are as follows: Hwy 1 to Lions Bay. Oceanview Road then left onto Cross Creek Road. Right on Centre Road. Left on Bayview Road. Left on Mountain Drive. Left on Sunset Drive to gate.

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