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What's the deal not inviting me to your party? It is the thought that counts. You are mean and thoughtless.


I will be bringing back from Africa a hyrax. These are small, cute, fuzzy, marmot-like animals, related to the elephant. Ken4ord has done a DNA-RNA time regression on them, and they will be the perfect instrument of revenge.


Ben and Fred will meet me at the airport, and take this small cute little creature from me. As you are well aware, they both have an axe to grind with you, especially Fred.


They are physically going to jam this animal up your ass. It will live in your bowels, and evolve into an elephant. How will you be able to work with a 6000kg pachyderm living in your guts? You are going to be busy eating 250kg of brush a day. How will you pay for this?


You brought this upon your self, now there is no turning back.

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Mr Jizzy.


You are very bitter. Sorry you missed the party Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles stopped by with a bunch of booze and chicken fingers. It was a great time.


How are things going in Africa. I find it interesting that the day you arrived was the day they discovered H5N1 on the continent.


Speaking of breeding new species Rat tells me his monkey relatives on the continent were up in arms about some scrawny bearded freak going around and molesting the young monkeys. I guess we'll have to wait and hope that your progeny have regresive genes and are thus harmless to humanity. snugtop.gif

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These are small, cute, fuzzy, marmot-like animals, related to the elephant. Ken4ord has done a DNA-RNA time regression on them, and they will be the perfect instrument of revenge.


Damn I must of been super stoned, cause I don't remember DNA-RNA time regression, hey wtf is that shit anyways? The only regression I remember in that cloudy haze, was regressing back to becoming a climber again.

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