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When I saw the headline I thought of you tongue.gif


Rocky VI: Old and Fat

Part of the "magic" of Hollywood requires the moviegoer's suspension of reality in the name of some cockamamie storyline. Well, try this one on for size: A 59-year-old boxer, long retired, gets back in the ring to take on no other than the reigning heavyweight champ. The pug is no other than Rocky Balboa (aka Sylvester Stallone), who hasn't laced up the gloves since the last ice age. Rocky Balboa, or, if you prefer, Rocky VI, is shooting in L.A. and Philly, and Stallone says inspiration is the hook: "You're never too old to climb a mountain, if that's your desire." While that may be true in many walks of life, champ, the boxing ring ain't one of those places. For sure, today's champions aren't what they used to be, but even a good club fighter should be able to KO this doddering palooka without breaking a sweat. If it turns out any other way, we've been had.

-- Tony Long for Wired Magazine

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When I saw the headline I thought of you tongue.gif


RuMR I: Old and Fat

Some "magic" Hollywood movies require the moviegoer's suspension of reality in the name of some cockamamie storyline, but not this on. Try this one on for size: A 37-year-old working punkass, wishing he was retired, gets back in the ring to knock the shit out of a dumbass shit talking fagcanuck truly weaksauce, spooge suckin', who's been spraying nonstop in his training efforts and his two butt buddies, Ireneo_Funes and Cobra_Commander . The pug is no other than RuMR (aka Dru'sDestroyer), who hasn't laced up the gloves since the last ice age. RuMR, or, if you prefer, BADASS, is shooting in L.A. and Philly, and says inspiration is the hook: "You're never too old to kick DruoftheNorth's ass all over the place, actually, you're never to young either. And those two sissy fairies that he hangs with are just icing on this cake." And that is always so true in many walks of life, champ, even in the boxing ring. For sure, today's champions aren't what they used to be, but even a shit talking scrawny canuck should be beaten for spraying. If it turns out any other way, we've been had.

-- Tony Long for Wired Magazine


Sounds like a good flick! the_finger.gif

Edited by RuMR
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