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I just found out my father got the first ascent of the southwest face of Das Toof with Hal Lee in 1962, the year I was born!






FA, Guye Peak, Improbable Traverse (w/D Hiser,1960)

FA, Torment Tower (w/D Hiser, 1961)

FA, E Ridge Mt Torment (w/D Hiser, 1961)


Also, in 1965, he chopped 15 bolts on MF Overhang on Jello Tower, and "climbed directly up the roof".




Thanks for the info, Harry! thumbs_up.gif

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The "southwest" face of Das Toof? I didn't really consider El Toofo as having a SW face. confused.gif


FA of South Face is CL Anderson + HP Wunderling 1928.


Edit: Just checked Brown Beckey. He lists FA of SW Face as F. Beckey, H. Beckey, and Louis Graham, 1942. Looks like your dad got scooped by the Beckster!



Edited by Alpinfox
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I don't know about the rope.


Here's the entire entry Geek_em8.gif


June 13, 1962. The Tooth Southwest face direct, first ascent of new route

by Mike Borghoff and Hal Lee

"Established 'direct SW face route. Climbing 4th and 5th class, with last pitch (lead by Lee) being difficult overhang, about 5.7 and poorly protected.

10 pitons used, 6 for anchors.

Route begins 40 feet left of large pine (2nd verschneidung) and continues upward" Summit Register

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