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Mars Rovers still rockin'


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Not only are both these things still chugging away, but now they're bagging summits! What was their designed life expectancy - something like a couple of months? A year and a half later and they seem to be just getting warmed up.


Of course, it's just a matter of time before Fido gets wind of this and starts slagging "Spirit" for not having independent verification and impartial timers and providing GPS track-logs and proper summit photos and such.

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Careful, now. As I recall, good ole 'Murican Ingenuity sent some multi-million dollar payload spinning off into the depths of space because someone down there couldn't understand metric. It's pretty easy, really - you just multiply and divide by tens, instead of twelves or sixteens or whatever that quaint, archaic system you people are still clinging to is based on. What is it again - barley corns, or someone's fore-arm or something? cantfocus.gif

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