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That's a bunch of fucking horseshit. You find it you keep it, regardless of whether you know whose gear it is or not.


Someone's retarted enough to abandon their shit and if you put forth the effort to hike / climb up there to get it, then it's yours.


If the original owner really wanted it they wouldn't have been wasting time posting about their sorry ass leaving trash all over the fucking mountain, they'd be hiking up there to get it back.

Everyone has their own ethics. Yours, as stated above, are quite in character with the asshole we all know you to be.


Wrong again Brian. Pete is just bluntly stating the rules of the game. If you leave someting then you've thrown it away; therefore you have no right to it anymore. By this rule I've both lost and found gear.


I've read on this site about someone pulling cams that me anc CJZ left as rap anchors. I know who has them, but I would never ask for them back. I've also scored one cam this year that someone left behind. Even if they posted in Lost and Found I wouldn't give it back to them.


Feel free to come over and rumage through my trash can. wink.gif

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