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Best website for BC forecast?


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Thanks, Dru. I thought about trying to pinpoint areas close to certain peaks, but thought better of it (for now) because I don't know the area enough (yet).


Looks like the weather for this next weekend down here is the same for up there. Damn.

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I thought about trying to pinpoint areas close to certain peaks, but thought better of it (for now) because I don't know the area enough (yet).

Try this page on that site, which allows you to locate the forecast for the nearest town


Looks like the weather for this next weekend down here is the same for up there. Damn.

And don't pay too much attention to the forecast this far out. As can be seen in this recent thread, the weekend forecast for this area was utterly useless until sometime Friday.


That said, though, holiday weekends double the likelihood of rain, and this weekend coming up is a double-whammy "Canada Day" Friday / "Independence Day" Monday which means it's probably about four times as likely to rain as any other weekend. But maybe we'll luck out again. Last weekend's forecast started out with "100% chance of heavy rain Friday thru Monday" on Monday, and by the time the weekend arrived the actual weather was "Sunny with Cloudy periods and a very brief rain shower on Sunday afternoon that most people probably didn't even notice". So keep checking the forecast - it will change a couple of times in the next few days.

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Last weekend's forecast started out with "100% chance of heavy rain Friday thru Monday" on Monday, and by the time the weekend arrived the actual weather was "Sunny with Cloudy periods and a very brief rain shower on Sunday afternoon that most people probably didn't even notice". So keep checking the forecast - it will change a couple of times in the next few days.


This applied only to your little golden sphere of influence in Squamish, Murray Geek_em8.gif It SHAT on the Duffey and in Whistler. We were driving back through biblical rains in Whistler, thinking, "oh boy, let's stop in and Make Murray EAT his forecast." And then it was sunny in Squamish blush.gif So we went climbing smirk.gif

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This applied only to your little golden sphere of influence in Squamish, Murray Geek_em8.gif It SHAT on the Duffey and in Whistler. We were driving back through biblical rains in Whistler, thinking, "oh boy, let's stop in and Make Murray EAT his forecast." And then it was sunny in Squamish blush.gif So we went climbing smirk.gif


Serves you right for being so foolhardy as to venture outside my sphere of influence. grin.gif

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Murray take it easy on slamming the forecasters, tongue.gif the forecast was bang on once wednesday arrived, it was not sunny on sunday there was a light shower as well as a heavier one sun night and there was a bit of precip early sat morn.


70% chance of rain, means 30% chance of no rain


the difficulty forecaster's have are directly realted to living on the edge of the largest ocean in the world, who you gonna phone out there to ask how wet the air is ????


I do agree on your logic of long weekend's and chance of rain.


The hills as Jordan mentioned are not happening, I went the weekend before last and stewed in rain while friends suntanned on the beach, this weekend looks the same.

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I agree, it's a tricky job, and I also agree they usually have a pretty good idea of what's coming once they get to within a couple of days. But the five-day forecast is about as reliable as my last car. Once we get into July and August, the patterns become pretty stable and predictable, but when all the north Pacific is a giant seething mass of Highs and Lows and Fronts all travelling in different directions at different speeds, the way it is April thru June, I wish they'd just level with us and say "we don't know yet, and we won't know for a couple more days" instead of publishing forecasts that they know are 90% guesswork.

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where are you seeing this, I see 60 for both days for squish from environment canada.


The 60 for tomorow is for tonight/ tomorrow morning then the 60 for sunday is late in the day. in between is cloudy


I would say the best chance for rain is overnight tonight, it probably wont be very sunny, but i bet you could get some climbing in.

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Maybe he's looking here?


For what it's worth, it's been fairly nice all day today - cloudy and cool, for sure, but no rain, and the last hour or two saw a fair bit of sun breaking through. And the view south toward Horseshoe Bay looks like more of the same for at least the next couple of hours. So it's possible that tomorrow and/or Sunday will be the same as today. Or we may actually see measureable rain sometime in the next couple of days to fulfill the forecast. Or...?

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if Murray stands outside and he is wet: It is raining

if Murray stands outside and is leaning: It is windy

if Murray stands outside and is squinting: It is sunny

if Murray stands outside and is turning white: It is snowing


where is the Murray-cam?


It's raining in Vancouver, apparently, and the forecast calls for the same in Squamish.


The "MurrayCam", however, is dry and warm and leaning slightly north due to a moderate breeze coming off Howe Sound. If the MurrayCam didn't have to work, it would be out climbing or hiking or something, enjoying a pretty nice day out.


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oh ye of little faith, the forecast was dead on for the past 4 days, and you could see a usable break coming on "the dry side", if not the coast: Thursday poor to improving, Friday sunny, Saturday back to showers. so i took Thu off work and headed for Lytton with Andrew Rennie. we left Van in rain, arrived in Lytton just as the last showers departed, and walked into the west fork of Stryen Creek in pleasant cool weather. we had a clear nite, then did the FA of the beautiful N ridge of Mount Roach, enjoying mostly clear but cold and windy weather - and a snow squall which engulfed us on the summit. we walked out Sat in intermittent showers, again just as forecast. perfect!


i've got a TR up on bivouac.com:


~425m; lotsa scrambling to about 5.7 on beautiful, firm, compact rock with 3p of 5.9 at the very top; about AD+.


i'll post something here once i get permission to use one of Justin Brown's photos.


so, good work Jesse; you too, Murray...



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