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I'm IN! I'm IN I'm IN IN IN!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why isn't it tonight!! MONDAYS SUCK!!


Yes, tomorrow..I'm there. I'll be done with my big meeting and ready to tie one on!!


Why ballard? why not somewhere....I dunno...closer to the heart of the city? Or...somewhere that has a taco tuesday special?? like tacos and beer for cheap?? hmmm????


If you have a better place, feel free to suggest it, Marie. Dave just throws out Ballard cuz it's close to his home. We go to the Ballard Alehouse often enough. Don't need to always go there. Seems like we haven't been downtown for over a month.



My apartment has room for only one other person. So maybe if just you show up... evils3d.gif


Mmmmm, tacos. cheeburga_ron.gif


I still don't care where, mofrair.


Well, who's calling it?

Since neither of the islanders (Dave & Wayne) gave notice of intent to dash us with their repartee, let's forego downtown this week.


I guess we either stoop to the Sloop or hail at the Ale.


I think you mean:


Ballard Grill & Alehouse

4300 Leary Way NW


It's accross the street from Hale's Brewery.



The Ballard Alehouse is a different place.

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