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Exit Polls


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i dont know what data you are looking at, but cnn has exit poll data that places PA, OH, and FLA in Kerrys lap. neither candidate can win without those states,...


California hasnt been counted yet, and wont be going to Shrub


also NH looks like it goes to Kerry.


So much for exit polls.


yup, so much for that. i heard a couple of interesting comments this am.


* exit polls are skewed because the first voters are angry voters, and angry voters were for kerry.

* gay marriage initiatives in 11 states (all passed) brought out a very conservative voting base for bush


my own take is that the USA has always been isolated from the World, this election proves is once again. Its really pretty funny, because "liberals" here are really not all that liberal compared to many other European (very socialist) countries, only compared to the very conservative voting base in the US heartland. Interesting how once again it comes down to 1 state, 150,000 votes really, and the presedential race is "a mandate". Dont get me wrong, i *like* that this election had a clear winner and that we wont have a month of lawyering about who won, but polarization of the nation on fundamentalist christian grounds (I am a Christian, but dont believe in legislating my religious beliefs) seems like the wrong mandate.


a special congratulations to karl rove, he truly is the master.

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