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Lillooet Rock and No Ice


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Marble Canyon rock is wet, and Icy Bc is fully dry. There is just a slime streak where there is normally a rushing waterfall. First time I've ever seen this. Get the bolts in for your mixed proj now!


Explored some mud, back roads and limestone further north in the Marble Range. No secret waterfalls to report. Found some nice 3-pitch sport potential on karstic gray limestone but too far away from anywhere (10 minute hike from 4wd road) to ever make it as a sporto destination crag.

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sorry...I should have been more specific. Was it raining all the time while you were there? I want to know what "change of shower" in the forcast for the area really means. Just because the rock was wet, doesn't mean the weather is down right nasty like it was in Vancouver.

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Friday afternoon was climbable at the crags but the alpine was socked in; ditto Sunday. Saturday was rainy and wet for most of the day even at the crags thumbs_down.gif Only got out of the van for about 2 hours! Being in a tent would have sucked.

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