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if you get rescued in the mountains that is bad style. if a person slips then they extended beyond their abilites to judge terrain or conditions. if people take offense to the reality that people do make mistake wheter climing or typing on the internet then they are tool ass bitches who need a dose of reality.


take skuzzy for instance he took the grand death whipper, dan saved his life/well being without chestbeating or regards to himself as that is what climbing partners do for each other they take care of each other no matter the situation. skuzzy bumped his head good and they still walked out under their own power. that is climbing, they realized their error and took care of themselves.


another close friend made a mistake and almost paid with his life. all sorts of misinfo was posted and i didnt take offense as the shitty negative energy does nothing for the situation.


alex thx for the attempt at telling what happend.


so people who are senstive fuck off.


Whoah! Stand back, the llama is in a spittin' mood today!




Sizzy wouldn't have been able to walk out if he had busted his leg instead of bumped his head. Sometimes shit happens and rescues are necessary. If you think skill/knowledge/good judgement will always prevent accidents, I think you are mistaken.


Pax you should fukin stand back before the llama and misses fukin spit in both of your eyes...

were you at either accident?

do you know the details before you fukin judge about whether people are able to walk out on their own power?


Mitch(retrosaurus) broke his ankle a few years ago on the same Stuart west ridge route and walked out on his own.


it really is just a matter of wanting to survive or sit there and wimper.

if it were not for dan i would not have walked out...that is for sure, since i bumped a lot more than my head.

i KNOW i was lucky...

lucky lager anyone? bigdrink.gif


"There have been joys too great to be described in words, and there have been griefs upon which I have not dared to dwell; and with these in mind I say: Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the happiness of a lifetime." - Edward Whymper


you are right not all accidents can be avoided, but i think one in which is self inflicted can.

Pax you should fukin stand back before the llama and misses fukin spit in both of your eyes...

were you at either accident?

do you know the details before you fukin judge about whether people are able to walk out on their own power?



Jesus there must be something in the air today...



I was not talking specifically about either of the accidents in question here - I was speaking about accidents in the backcountry in general. My point was that injuries sometimes occur which require evacuation/rescue and that the events leading up to such an injury are sometimes not under the control of the injured party - a fact which Llama was apparently not recognizing.


Settle down.


I think you are suffering from climbing withdrawl.


Breathe along with me here:


In (dex)...


In (dex)...


In (dex)...


In (dex)...





i totally agree but when you are in the backcountry with no one around except your buddy, do you start a forest fire to attract attention?

cell phones are heavy to carry and don't get service in many places in the woods.


pax- you mentioned my name in a previous post so of course i will respond.

i am in a great mood...climbing withdrawl or not. I am just happy to still be around to spray and talk serious shit.


I thought Alex presented his post very clearly as hearsay and used quotes where the information was unclear.

He tends to put out good information.

Mellow out.

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