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If you continue the V scale the way they have it, that's what 5.15a would clock in at.


dfa my bud, you still aren't reading the scale correctly. They aren't the same grades for routes and boulders. Read my post on page 1.


8C = V15 ~ 9a+ = 5.15a


get it????

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If you continue the V scale the way they have it, that's what 5.15a would clock in at.


dfa my bud, you still aren't reading the scale correctly. They aren't the same grades for routes and boulders. Read my post on page 1.


8C = V15 ~ 9a+ = 5.15a


get it????


Attention, condescending dicksqueeze: Dr. Flash Amazing has been playing this little game we call "climbing" for long enough to understand that routes and boulder problems are graded differently. Had you been focusing your boulder problem-length attention span on DFA's route-length logic for longer than three seconds, you would have figured out that the Doctor was surmising that a route that is as long as a boulder problem must be boulder problem hard, and could perhaps get a bouldering grade. Not knowing the conversion off the top of his head, DFA went straight to the online grading scale he knows how to find, i.e. THIS ONE RIGHT HERE AT 8a.nu. You should now look at it so you can understand DFA's point. You'll notice that this scale lists each bouldering grade from V11 on up as corresponding to each route letter grade from .13b on up, and the scale stops at V15, which this scale lists as being roughly equivalent to .14b. Extrapolating from here, USING THE INFORMATION ON THIS GRADING SCALE, the bouldering equivalent of 5.15a would be V18. Obviously, looking at a scale with a different conversion (e.g. the scale you referred to), it is clear that this is not the case. Before you respond YET AGAIN that DFA "doesn't get it," is "looking at it the wrong way," or is "too old to understand," look AGAIN at the scale DFA looked at, and think the matter through carefully.


Let's don't make the Doctor dispatch an AmazingCo, Inc. Conflict Resolution Team to your house with a 55-gallon drum of carnuba wax and a Costco-sized box of enemas, pardner.

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Let's don't make the Doctor dispatch an AmazingCo, Inc. Conflict Resolution Team to your house with a 55-gallon drum of carnuba wax and a Costco-sized box of enemas, pardner.


Oh, scary scary scary!!!! One must wonder why you have a "Costco-sized box of enemas"!!! hellno3d.gif

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haha. You're grading scale chart is wrong dude. I don't see why you're still trying to argue otherwise.


Yeah? And your spelling sucks, genius. AND, if your reading comprehension was above the 2nd grade level, you'd realize that DFA is no longer arguing that the grading scale is correct.


That's not spelling, that's grammar. I guess we both better go back to grade school. Hey, then we could beat the crap out of each other, and we'd just get timeouts. boxing_smiley.gif

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