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Leavenworth Toproping Suggestions?


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I'm not so familiar with all the areas in Leavenworth and want to take someone toproping up there. What are the best areas for some beginner climbing, maybe with a walk up option? Obviously single pitch. Could try some stuff over 5.7 but it would need a walk-up option so I can set anchors (can't climb above that)

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Barney's Rubble, Bruce's Boulder, XY Crack

Bruce's Boulder is 5.6 miles from town on Icicle Creek Road on the left (River) side look for the big rock.

Barney's Rubble is immediately across the street. XY crack is across the stree from the Eightmile CG entrance also on Icicle Creek Road.


You may also want to search the site and perhaps buy a guide.

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classic crack!!! drive to the top and walk downhill to the tr anchor


Or you can drive to the bottom and have your cooler of beer handy.


sure if you want to run the risk of ruining access for all... madgo_ron.gif


Park on the street and walk the 1 minute downhill! I'm sure you can carry your cooler that far.

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just cause people park there doesn't mean it's ok. The locals who own land in the area (it is privately owned) have asked that climbers not park down there... Read your guide book! it would be a shame if we lost access because of a lazy few.


OK...not to be a dick but I've always been curious about something:

Back in the day, in the years before way back when (up until the mid 60's when the road was widened & paved from the irrigation intake to Bridge Creek) the road remnant thru 8 mile CG, past the rock, & on up to Bridge Creek CG was THE Icicle road. If that right-of way was under government ownership or on a formal easment, and, if it has never been formally & legally vacated, then there would still be lawful public access along that road.


Maybe when the weather someday goes to hell I'll research that if it's not already been done.

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