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I am a lucky person!


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The other day I had an unexpected vacation from work.

Turned out to be a perfect day - mid 70's , sunny, low humidity.

Though I dont boulder much, I decided to break out my new pad and get a bit of air under my feet. Bouldering actually scares me a bit. Going solo, I wasnt sure how much I would get done before the fear took over. To my suprise I had a GREAT day! I successfully completed new and old problems. At times I felt challenged both mentally and physically, but not overly challenged or unsafe.


Eventually I made it to a problem I had been working on since last year. Decided to give it a go. After several tries I figured out more effective movements and progressed. I was sooooooooo close and had to try it one more time. Totally psyched I KNEW I could do it....


And I DID! fruit.gif


As I moved my hand to reach for a rock so I could fully stand at the top the other hand slipped off and there I went. shocked.gif. About ten feet down I landed on my feet, then my butt in the mud (yup, missed the pad). In total shock, I looked at my ankles, legs, arms...no bones sticking out or deformed. Thank GOd!!!! Painful? not so much. In fact I thought about giving it another try. I was soooooooooo pissed....because I DID it, but....what the hell happened when I got to the top?!?!?! madgo_ron.gif


Oh well...I wiped myself off and headed toward the car. I needed a smoke and I was out. After stopping at the gas station I get back in the car and felt an excruciating sharp pain travel from my knee down to my anke. An hour away from home I sped like lightening. It hurt soooo fuckin bad!!!!! Of course it was rush hour. As soon as I get in the city traffic is at a dead stop. I look down at my leg and the top of the fibula(?) next to my knee is about the size of a 1.5 golf balls. AAAAHHHHHH!!!! What did I do?


Lots of RICE and beer the first night. I dont have insurance so I dont want to go to the ER without seeing of it gets better on its own first.


THe next afternoon, I was able to get an appointment at a low cost clinic with a sports med dr. VERY LUCKY. thumbs_up.gif

From the person in registration all the way to the nurses, people commented on what a good dr I was seeing and how lucky I was. Shit! I feel stupid wasting his time, cause Im sure its just a bruised bone.

The dr looked at my leg and said, "I would place bets you broke the top of your fibula. Lets do some xrays to confirm it". confused.giffrown.gifconfused.giffrown.gif NOOOOO! If it was broken I couldnt walk, right? Wrong. If it was broken it would be more swollen, right? Wrong. Fuck!!!!!


during the xrays the technician told me what a good dr I had and how he was really never wrong. Grrrrrrrrrr....That helped ease my mind.


Well, the xrays came back and NOTHING was broken!!!!! Hell ya! fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif The dr was so suprised he had me go back and get a second set. STILL NO broken bone! WOoooohooo! He stated that he has worked with athletes for over 20yrs and he is hardly ever wrong. Tho he was obviuosly very happy he was.


So we dont know for sure what is wrong with the leg. Stress on the ligaments for sure...a sprain? Possibly tore a tendon (NOT GOOD), but wont know unless it doesnt start healing. We will go from there if that is the case.


SO, yes it is a little frustrating because Ive only been back a few weeks after a month off for a finger injury. BUT...I did the damn problem!!!!!!!!!! I had such a great day!!!!!!!!1 ANd...my leg is NOT broken!!!!!!!!!


LIFE IS GOOD! bigdrink.gif


(now to go take another percocet) - just kidding!

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