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Umbrella Tree, Snow Cr. Wall Questions


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>>From the top of White Slabs you traverse downward to the right and pick up the next crack system<<


The next "crack system" would be that awfull 5.8 gully/chimney/crack thing - 50+ ft past where the route is indicated.


So, no one who is a heavy cc.com person has gone up it eh?

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  • 2 years later...

Got a look at this route from on top of White Slabs yesterday, appears to be nicely featured rock. To get there from White Slabs, do most people go down and squeeze between the trees and the 20-foot detached spike on Country Club Ramp?


It's too bad that White Slabs ends at the Ramp, since the obvious way to the top (the Ramp) is so filthy. There's decent climbing in those corners on White Slabs and it's pretty clean for being in the shadow of OS and Orbit.


Any of you SCW aficionados do White Slabs Direct? Looks scaaary.


Oh, one more question: Is there in fact a fixed rap station above the finger crack of Shark Attack? That finger crack looks awesome, but I'm not up for the supposed runout 11b above.

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