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What completely bilwilders me is how you war supporters can support how the execution of this war has gone. Fine, let's say both of these wars are totally nescessary. Are you really going to argue that this clusterfuck of a situation our completely inept president and his chronies have gotten into couldn't have been executed just a little bit better??

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You're right, Josh. While I believe the war was easily justified, the torture scandal showed just how broken down the command chain of the military has become. As far as I can tell, the abuse was the result of a few redneck sadist guards (stanford prison experiment anyone?) and a chain of command that was totally ineffective. The situation is all fucked up, but I'm not sure you can blame Bush himself for the screwups of the military. But it still sucks.

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JoshK calling something dumb.


HA! wave.gifwave.gifwave.gif


It takes a big man to post insults behind an avatar. rolleyes.gifwave.gif


Says the child posting behind an avatar.... snaf.gifsnaf.gif


HUH? My name is Josh, it seems little like an avatar. You can ask any number of the people on this board that I've climbed with. rolleyes.gif

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What completely bilwilders me is how you war supporters can support how the execution of this war has gone. .... Are you really going to argue that this clusterfuck of a situation our completely inept president and his chronies have gotten into couldn't have been executed just a little bit better??


Are you talking about GWBush, or Abraham Lincoln? blush.gif

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That people on this board actually know me to exist. God knows if you are "theodore" or not.


You should read a little about your namesake; one of our better presidents. He'd probably tell you that you are an idiot too.

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That people on this board actually know me to exist. God knows if you are "theodore" or not.


You should read a little about your namesake; one of our better presidents. He'd probably tell you that you are an idiot too.


Hey, just because you got a few people you met at the rest area to read this BBS doesn't make you any less of an idiot.


Who is my namesake?

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You're right, Josh. While I believe the war was easily justified, the torture scandal showed just how broken down the command chain of the military has become. As far as I can tell, the abuse was the result of a few redneck sadist guards (stanford prison experiment anyone?) and a chain of command that was totally ineffective. The situation is all fucked up, but I'm not sure you can blame Bush himself for the screwups of the military. But it still sucks.


I would argue the plan for executing this war was flawed from the beginning. I guess you are right, we shouldn't blame Bush because it's pretty obvious he doesn't actually develop his own strategy. So I guess whoever fed this to him (rumsfled+cheney+rice, etc.) is to blame. Maybe if this shit gets even worse we'll see bush stand up to admit "don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger!"


Oh, and Teddy, I think you'd know I was referring to Theodore Roosevelt, creator of modern american foreign policy groundwork and a steadfast progressive.

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\Name"sake`\, n. [For name's sake; i. e., one named for the sake of another's name.] One that has the same name as another; especially, one called after , or named out of regard to, another.


It's a correct use of namesake. It's just more convienent than saying "the guy with the same name as you"

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I'm not convinced Kerry would do any better, but yes, the situation is pretty fucked up, for a variety of reasons.


His foreign policy address the other day was quite intersting. He basically said that we need to stop worrying so much about spreading democracy everywhere we can and doing what we can within reason and looking out for number one first. He made some statement (paraphrasing here) to the effect of "we would like to do all these great things, but we have to realize the reality which is we can only do so much at one time"


Sounds about 100x better than bush's plan already. I'm certainly willing to give him a shot. I'm 100% he can't do any worse, and frankly, I think he has the possiblity of doing quite well.

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Thanks for the clarification. I've never heard that one before... guess it's a Canada junior college thing...


I am NOT Canadian... nor do I attend a junior college... nor have I ever.


Sorry, "sharpest marble" is not the expression...you could try:


brightest bulb in the bunch

sharpest tack in the box

etc. etc.


you still have to match the adjective with the noun dipshit. So, in other words, NOLse is right, "sharpest marble in the bag" is pretty dumb.


those are called cliches... mine was a modified coloquialism. the_finger.gif

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Again, you must be confused to the definition. They must teach that in HS. You'll get to it next year.


I took that definition out of the dictionary. Go look it up yourself if you are so inclined. I'm out of HS, and I scored 670 (99 percentile) on the verbal SATs when I took them, so I hardly put any stock in your critique of my command of the English language.

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Thanks for the clarification. I've never heard that one before... guess it's a Canada junior college thing...


I am NOT Canadian... nor do I attend a junior college... nor have I ever.


Sorry, "sharpest marble" is not the expression...you could try:


brightest bulb in the bunch

sharpest tack in the box

etc. etc.


you still have to match the adjective with the noun dipshit. So, in other words, NOLse is right, "sharpest marble in the bag" is pretty dumb.


those are called cliches... mine was a modified coloquialism. the_finger.gif


Do you mean colloquialism? Like I said, at least match the adjuctive and the noun correctly. It would make a little more sense.

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Again, you must be confused to the definition. They must teach that in HS. You'll get to it next year.


I took that definition out of the dictionary. Go look it up yourself if you are so inclined. I'm out of HS, and I scored 670 (99 percentile) on the verbal SATs when I took them, so I hardly put any stock in your critique of my command of the English language.



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Again, you must be confused to the definition. They must teach that in HS. You'll get to it next year.


I took that definition out of the dictionary. Go look it up yourself if you are so inclined. I'm out of HS, and I scored 670 (99 percentile) on the verbal SATs when I took them, so I hardly put any stock in your critique of my command of the English language.




Thanks, I was pleasently surprised with the results as well. wave.gif

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