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Save the Whales....From whales?


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Orcas feast on harvest of gray whale calves

Killer whales team up in Monterey Bay


Monterey -- The boatload of nature lovers set out to celebrate Mother's Day whale watching on sunny Monterey Bay -- only to witness the mother of all wildlife battles.


Instead of gentle giants lolling in the sea, they came upon a life-or- death struggle as a pack of six killer whales attacked a gray whale calf while its mother valiantly fought to shield her 8-ton baby.


As whale watchers looked on with a mixture of awe and sadness, mother killer whales -- the most experienced hunters -- took turns ramming head- first, like 6-ton torpedoes, into the calf's soft underbelly, their force nearly knocking it out of the water, while others leapt atop the 20-foot baby, trying to drown it.


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Yeah, I know, Orcas aren't really whales.


I am wondering what Sea Shepard and Green Peace are going to do about this.

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Nature in action. Let them be.

So what sort of nature in action have some of you been lunky, or unlucky, enough to see? For me I've encountered bears a couple of times ripping the hell out of old logs. Seen an osprey and bald eagle fighting over a fair sized trout. As one was flying off with the fish the other would dive bomb it and cause the first to drop the fish and go retrieve it. With the roles reversed the cycle started again. This continued for about 15 minutes


But the most incredible was an orca that munched a seal. I was working on a ship near the Pribiloff Islands when all of a sudden a seal seemed to explode out of the water, followed immediatly by the snout of an orca. The seal crashed back in to drink quite dazed and the the orca hit again and this time only half a seal flew through the air. An amazing sight.


In nature it is kill or be killed!

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