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The Incredible Shrinking Weekend


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squamish was a little bit damp and humid saturday (it had stopped raining and the rock was mostly dry b4 we got there at 10 AM) - got about 5 rooutes in in da Bluffs. not crowded cause veryone but the road-trippers stayed home.


sunday was sunny and warm climbed some more routes on the apron and the bluffs. my climbing partner took a good 15 foot whipper! thumbs_up.gif


all my apine bouldering scabs opened up and i pretty much bled a pint or so on most of the crack climbs i did. ewww look out for the scabs marking the way up the zip and wobbler!! blush.gif


monday (Victoria Day weekend) was awesome. all the american weekend crowd had gone home so the routes were not crowded the_finger.gif wandered up sparrow into the new barley route into boomstick into the ultimate nothing-much, sunbathed on a few ledges, ate some gu, hiked down the trail.


30 pitches in 3 days, nothing to chest beat about but just thought i would wave.gif grind it in a bit to those who stayed home because it was raining in Vancouver saturday morning.


oh yeah. the BREW PUB has fixed its food and beer issues. the beer is yummy again and they have an actual chef doing the cooking cheeburga_ron.gifbigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gifbigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gifbigdrink.gif


its still a bit pricey though cry.gifbigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gif

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