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I'm doing my part. What are you doing besides complaining on the internet?

Note: You are also complaining on the internet! But at least you are multi-tasking hahaha.gif


What am I doing?: prior to and during the actual war, and ever since, I have written many letters, and encouraged many others to write letters, to elected officials to encourage them to remain out of the "Coalition of the willing", and to be supportive of the UN and multilaterlism. I participated in civil actions here in support of peace. I donated money to organizations working for to prevent more war. And it worked - Canada, and the vast majority of the world's countries and population are against waging this war in this way! Unfortunately (jn my opinion, anyway), the US gov't and US citizens chose a different path.


A different role than yours to be sure , and a lot less dangerous and difficult obviously, but I think democratic engagement is a critical contribution in a free society. I have every respect for your contribution...it is a thankless job, and you have stepped up to the plate. Kudos. However, I have neither the training nor the ability to do what you do, so I do what I can in other roles.

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"the record highest temperature ever measured in the U.S (134 degrees F at Death Valley, CA in July of 1913), and the hottest temperature ever recorded anywhere on the globe (136 F at Al' Aziziyah, Libya in September of 1922)"


This is not possible! Every good global warming drone knows that record temperatures are only NOW being set... in the period that began January 2001. What is this 1913 nonsense? Please go back and re read your EarthJustice handbook and repeat the litany again, and again, and again. The sky is falling, the Earth is warming. Man is the cause! Man is the cause! (Repeat)


FYI: EarthJustice is a great organization, and currently is doing some of the most important work to stop bush's reversal of environmental protection policys. They have won numerous lawsuites this year alone against the govenment, and will continue if funding continues. Dont get them confused with Earth First. Thanks for bringing up their name. You can help their cause by going to www.earthjustice.org

I choose to do my part by giving to environmental nonprofits who do work that agree with. This year it has been Earth Justice. Last year The Peregrine Fund

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Consider giving to the North Cascades Conservation Council (NCCC). They were mostly responsible for the designation of a park in the N. Cascades, and they watch management policy in the North Cascades with an eye for promoting conservation.

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No shit... I couldn't tell. But I love the attempt at science, it kind of made me smile, or shudder one of the two.


No i dont want to see it for myself. No americans should be there, and when they reinstate the draft and my name gets called up Canada here I come. Fuck the US if the draft is returned. I am too old anyway.


Have fun in Iraq.


So, you would refuse to serve if your country called upon you? And you would run away to another country? Which incidentally would repatriate you back to the US. And you want to try to get witty? Take some geritol and call me in the morning.

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