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Reversino and/or Buggette


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I'm looking for a belay/rappel device for smaller diameter ropes, twins,ice floss... Have you any first hand experience with either of these 2 units? Pros? Cons? Specifically, I'd like the autolocking feature of the Reversino but would like to run a pair of 8.5's through them. It's range is 7.5mm to 8.2mm where as the Buggette has a range from 7.5 to 8.5.





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I'd go with the reversino


sadly - or amazingly - I will soon own enough gear to have specific, separate caches for each area i climb in


red rock long routes (Black Velvet etc) ICe line and reversino

Index lower wall - 70m and atc xp

gunks - tricams, forged friends, double 8.6 ropes

yosemite - offset aliens, etc etc


the list goes on an on

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why don't you just use a reverso? you can run pairs of skinnies through it. the rap is a little fast but there's lots of ways to slow that down. i just wouldn't want to use the autolock feature with a single strand. or do you not have one? or do you just want to buy more gear? yellaf.gif i'll probably be adding a reversino to my rack this summer ... thumbs_up.gif

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Skip, that is indeed the one. They have them for free right now at Feathered Friends. The only catch is that you have to buy a fancy Mammut rope, then you get the device zip-tied to the rope at no extra charge. The folks at the shop said that it would be a little while until they started selling them separately from the ropes tongue.gif (something about availability...) but it looks like your link will get you one swiftly.


If you pick one up please post a review. I am looking for something to replace my Reverso with, and the Matrix is a leading candidate, along with the B-52. The only problem is you can't drink the Matrix. bigdrink.gif

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