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Is it true that Israel probably profited the most from the events of Sept. 11 by having a permanent American military force in the Middle East, offering an umbrella of protection to that small nation?


Is it true that, Salem bin Laden named Bush family friend James R. Bath his business representative in Texas shortly after the senior Bush was named CIA director by appointed President Gerald Ford in 1975?


Is it true that during the Persian Gulf War, it was Binladen Brothers Construction (now the Binladen Group) that helped build airfields for US aircraft?


Is it also true that later the bin Laden firm continued to be hired to construct an American air base in Saudi Arabia despite the fact that Osama had already been blamed for terrorist acts such as the truck bombing of the Khobar Towers at the Dhahran base which killed 19 Americans.


I have been very supportive of the current political power in Washington but if these and other essays I have read are true will I guess I have to re-think who I will support in 2004.

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I heard something on the radio the other day that Bin Laden's family members were allowed to fly out of the USA shortly after 9/11, at the time when all non-military flights were grounded.


Any of you conspiracy types (or anybody else) have confirmation of this? I heard it on the Dave Ross show.

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I am by no means a BushCo supporter but, two things:


The Bin Laden family is HUGE. The Bin Laden construction firm is one of the largest in the region, and probably one of a very select few capable of a project on the scale of an airfield.


Keep reading those essays. Find out who Bush smoked cigars with shortly after 9/11. Never mind, here:


But this story goes deeper than just oil. It goes to the unusual close family relationship of the Bush family and the Saudi royal family including the Bin ladens. That's right; George W and the rest of the Bush family are very close personal friends of the Bin laden family. Just after the 9/11 attacks when all aircraft were ordered out of the skies, George W Bush allowed the Bin laden family to fly all over the country picking up other Bin ladens to whisk them out of the country. This administration blocked all efforts by the FBI to interview the family of the man responsible for murdering 3,000 of our citizens.


Bush Sr. has close financial ties to the Bin Laden family and has for many decades. The Bin ladens invested heavily in the Carlyle group. George Sr. sits on the board of this supposed think tank. What the Carlyle group does is help the Republican Party consolidate power in the US by consolidating power worldwide. The ties between the Bush Family, Saudis and the Bin ladens extend to many other financial deals. And don't think the Taliban leaders were left out of the power party - they were invited to the Crawford Texas Ranch back in the 1980s after the Soviets were long gone. Why would the Bush family invite the Taliban to dinner? Oil - that's why. The Bush family had financial interests in building an oil and gas pipline from the Caspian sea to the Meditteranean sea via Afghanistan. They didn't care about the policies of the Taliban then and George Bush dosen't give a damn about thier policies now. It's all about power and oil. How about those beans Sean Hannity. Explain that one away Bill O'Reilly!


When George W finally stopped cowering in some bunker on 9/11 and returned to Washington he had a visitor come to the White House to share in a stress-relieving cigar on the Truman balcony. That man was Prince Bandar of the Saudi family. The Prince and George W. are close friends - both in the oil business.


Source: capitolblog.com, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker.

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