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i may sound like a broken record always posting about music happ'inin, but folks always come out and have a good time so 'ere goes... monday nite at the Lo-Fi, eastlake east right near the lobo saloon... an evening of some of seattles best jazz musicians including, but not limited to; joe doria(hammond b3) john wicks(drums) this is johns birthday! also the syncopated taint horns, SKERIK, dave carter,hans toyber, craig flory, steve moore...may very well show up too! if ya never heard these guys, and like live music, you'll be blown away, whether you like jazz or not. they fit in their own category- an amazing septet. -bp

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on a similar note, the syncopated taint septet featuring all the players i listed above, will play an all ages show, with a bar as well, at SAM (seattle art museum) thursday feb19 5:30-7:30, great venue, great group...check it out thumbs_up.gif-bp


oh and i read a thread somewhere about pub clubs needing some variety, if youre all not opposed to music playing while youre all trying to spray about climbing,"tost" in freemont is a great venue-no smoking inside, good sound good bar and jude bowerman plays real upbeat dancy groovy stuff down der on tuesdays-my2cents-bp

Edited by bobbyperu
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yelrotflmao.gif that show monday nite was soooooooo goooood... if y'all ever hear of a band you like playing the LoFi checkit- the place is cool... only a few beers on tap tho, but they gots san pelligrino araciata! yuuumm... and no smoke inside thumbs_up.gif hope to see some folks at the SAM show on thursday... will be sumptin' special fruit.gif and scott, sounds good dood, and we shall hit the climbing thing up again, no? paisano?burgundy day was fun!-k
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Yeah tahtnks BobbyP. If you are ever up here in canuk land, there is a good show here in march. Amon Tobin and some other ninja tunes artists. If you are into the scene it will be killer. They will be playing in Sea-Town too ( i think) but come up here anyways. Y'all can crash here. see ya in march! (y)


Yeah that is going to be a rad show. Yo BP I was playing Amon Tobin last time I gave you a ride up to the mountain.

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hey bobby, i was just listening to that show. recording came out a little loud but still pretty good. stoked on my new mike. swing by and i will burn you some shit. i will be at the new job until fri night. i think i got too ripped i dont remember saying adios or the majority of the drive to leschi. thanks for the fruit.gif.

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yelrotflmao.gif that show monday nite was soooooooo goooood... if y'all ever hear of a band you like playing the LoFi checkit- the place is cool... only a few beers on tap tho, but they gots san pelligrino araciata! yuuumm... and no smoke inside thumbs_up.gif hope to see some folks at the SAM show on thursday... will be sumptin' special fruit.gif and scott, sounds good dood, and we shall hit the climbing thing up again, no? paisano?burgundy day was fun!-k


Fer shur thumbs_up.gif


Nice tunes Tricky. thumbs_up.gif Gotta luv that Rhodes (?)

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