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Baby Born With Second Head to Get Groundbreaking Surgery


Thursday, February 05, 2004


SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — A Dominican infant born with a second head will undergo a risky operation Friday to remove the appendage, which has a partially formed brain, ears, eyes and lips




The surgery is complicated because the two heads share arteries.


Led by a Los Angles-based neurosurgeon who successfully separated Guatemalan twins (search), the medical team will spend about 13 hours removing Rebeca Martinez's (search) second head.


The 18 surgeons, nurses and doctors will cut off the undeveloped tissue, clip the veins and arteries and close the skull of the 7-week-old baby using a bone graft from another part of her body.


"We know this is a delicate operation," Rebeca's father, Franklyn Martinez, 28, told The Associated Press. "But we have a positive attitude."


CURE International (search), a Lemoyne, Pa.-based charity that gives medical care to disabled children in developing countries, is paying for the surgery and follow-up care.


Dr. Jorge Lazareff, director of pediatric neurosurgery at the University of California at Los Angeles' Mattel Children's Hospital (search), will lead the operation along with Dr. Benjamin Rivera, a neurosurgeon at the Medical Center of Santo Domingo. Lazareff led a team that successfully separated Guatemalan twin girls in 2002.


Doctors say if the surgery goes well Rebeca won't need physical therapy and will develop as a normal child.


Rebeca was born on Dec. 17 with the undeveloped head of her twin, a condition known as craniopagus parasiticus (search).


Twins born conjoined at the head are extremely rare, accounting for one of every 2.5 million births. Parasitic twins like Rebeca are even rarer.


Rebeca is the eighth documented case in the world of craniopagus parasiticus, said Dr. Santiago Hazim, medical director at CURE International's Center for Orthopedic Specialties in Santo Domingo, where the surgery will be performed.


All the other documented infants died before birth, making it the first known surgery of its kind, Lazareff and Hazim said.


Hazim said the surgery must be done now so the pressure of Rebeca's other brain doesn't prevent her from developing.


Rebeca shares blood vessels and arteries with her second head. Although only partially developed, the mouth on her second head moves when Rebeca is being breast-fed. Tests indicate some activity in her second brain.


Martinez and his 26-year-old wife, Maria Gisela Hiciano, say doctors told them before Rebeca was born that she would have a tumor on her head, but none of the prenatal tests showed a second head developing.


Martinez works at a tailor's shop. Hiciano is a supermarket cashier. Together they make about $200 a month. They have two other children, ages 4 and 1.


Lazareff says Rebeca's chances of survival are good. Still, he refuses to make a prognosis.


"We'll do everything we can to make this successful," he said.



Story with pics here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110503,00.html

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"Although only partially developed, the mouth on her second head moves when Rebeca is being breast-fed. Tests indicate some activity in her second brain"


KUATO!!!!!!! Where's the barf graemlin when you need it hellno3d.gif


i think right-to-lifers should get all pissed off that the second head isn't going to make it. IT'S GOT BRAIN ACTIVITY FOR CHRISSAKE!


hroark? you gonna jump in on this one?


Can we film the operation?

Is the head dead yet?

You know, the boys in the newsroom got a

Running bet

Get the widow on the set!

We need dirty laundry


You don’t really need to find out what’s going on

You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone

Just leave well enough alone

Eat your dirty laundry


Kick ’em when they’re up

Kick ’em when they’re down

Kick ’em when they’re up

Kick ’em when they’re down


I saw some thing on TV not too long ago where there was this Chinese fellow about 30 years old who had a partially formed head growing out of the side of his neck (sort of below and behind the ear). Really it was only a mouth and some bulging out that resembled cheeks. Anyway, when this guy chewed (or moved his jaws), the other mouth did so too in unison. Doctors excised the "spurious" mouth. I guess this Chinese guy is/was pretty famous in medical circles.

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