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Missed the half-time show


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The FCC launching an immediate investigation into Janets display makes me puke. Only in the US could one ever believe that an audience of 120 MILLION CABLE TV SUBSCRIBERS had never seen a tit before.


The football crowd needs to get out more. Or get laid more. Or something. Shit.



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Just in time for the election gearing up. Let's bring values back to topic again.


I can hear it now. 'The liberal media is foisting its easy morals on the majority of unsuspecting folks out there. Flinging it in your face as it were. Leave nudity to the sanctity of a loving, committed relationship. Don't expose my kids to a morality free, exhibitist lifestyle. What's wrong is the imposition of these lax attitudes as mainstream values. Blah. Blah. Blah.'


Nevermind the federal deficit, the exportation of high income jobs, the wars, the looming budget crises, etc.


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if politicans don't have the answer, they deflect the question to another issue. Makes me wonder if some of these Hollywood types are playing a role out of a politican's gamebook. For instance, Brittany's short-lived marriage. Wasn't it conveniently timed with Bush's proclamation about heterosexual marriage? And Brittany's stunt was pointing out the fact that what's so special about it?

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